Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Essence of Man.
What are we really?  I mean when you get down to it, what makes us who we are?  Are we mere flesh and blood, or is there something much bigger, much grander, much more meaningful that many have never known about themselves?  Today lets answer some of those questions and see if we can't begin to accept who and what we are.

I am a huge history buff and I love reading and learning about those who have come before me.  The history books are full of stories about great adventure, great achievements, and great events that have taken place and that have immortalized certain individuals.  Sadly, what the history books do not show is what got those people to where they were.  What is it that separates the average from the great?  What singular trait helps to thrust certain people into the limelight?

There are people who dream of achieving great things, but there is something that holds them back.  It could be fear of failure, it could be that they simply do not have faith in their own abilities to accomplish what is in their heart to accomplish.  Others seem to ride a wave of success and everything they touch turns to gold.  So once again I am forced to ask what is it that separates the average from the great?

I dare say that the only thing that holds people back is that they have yet to discover the greatness that resides inside of them.  This greatness was placed in your by a loving creator who wishes nothing more then to see you be who you were created to be.   Those who have succeeded before you knew what was behind their achievements.  Achievements, true achievements are not handed to someone on a silver platter just because you may have been born into the right family, or others before you did the bulk of the work and you simply inherited it because of your place in the birth line.

You are, and will always be an infinite being.  This may seem contrary to what you have been conditioned to believe all of your life, but the truth will eventually be made known to you.  As a Spiritual Being you have within you a source of unlimited potential.  As a Spiritual Being you are able to manifest all that you desire in life.  The only thing holding most people back is that they either do not believe this or simply do not know the truth about their true essence.  Well today you are in a very good place because you can now come to an understanding of your infinite side, as Dr. Wayne Dyer states come to an understanding of your Highest Self.

If you are unable to accept your Spiritual Side then you will never accomplish all that you were intended to accomplish.  Certainly you may have a modicum of success, but nothing could ever measure up to what can be accomplished when you fully grasp and accept your spiritual side.  I see people who do some pretty amazing things, but my question behind each of these achievements is what is the motivation for doing them.  Is the motivation to gain words of praise, monuments to what you did, or is the motivation to leave humanity better off then before you got here?

There is nothing wrong with obtaining great success, but in my book it is far better to achieve success while doing for others.  All of my success is not centered on me selling books, or winning awards.  My success is in helping others come to a place where they understand who and what they are, and in that understanding accomplishing the things they were put here on earth to accomplish.  Being centered and knowing why you are here is all together different then being self-centered and only doing because it brings you glory and praise from others.

Why is it that there are people who cannot even imagine doing something astounding?  They simply go through life one day at a time.  There may be buried deep within a desire to do more, but the battles they have fought thus far have kept them knocked down and empty of any desire to step out of their comfort zone and dare to do something else.  These people have not accepted, nor do they understand their spiritual side.

I can't sit here and tell you that I fully and completely understand spirituality.  What I can tell you is that I know who and what I am, and with each day I attempt to learn just a little bit more, and with each passing day I grow stronger and more determined to be that Infinite Being.  It all begins with one deciding that they will no longer fall prey to what man's conditioning says life has to be like.  Man in an effort to control others has said what is right and what is wrong.  Man has limited us in achieving spiritual awareness, and this has been done simply because those before us could not or world not accept spiritual truths.

It is time to begin to understand your greatness.  It is not a greatness to be better then others, it is a greatness to help others become better.  Once you realize who you truly are then the need to be the best seems fall behind just being you.  It is time to begin your journey, and just know this, if life is a journey there is no need to go it alone.

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