Monday, October 20, 2014

It's a way of life. Try it on for size.
Let your yes be yes and your no be no.  Translation:  if you say you're going to do something do it, swear to your own hurt.  I have seen people promise one thing and never fulfill that promise.  This generally happens because some people just don't want to be inconvenienced and more often then not something comes up that is more enticing then honoring what they said they would do for someone else.

Now this is not my main point this morning but it will tie in nicely so just give me a few minutes to lay some groundwork and you will see where I am going with this.

When I was younger I had ideas that one day I would become President of the United States.  I am thankful to say that I no longer desire that, but at one point in time that is what I was contemplating, fleeting as it may have been.  Anyhow, I had people who would ask if they could be a part of my Cabinet when or if I made it to Washington.  My response was quite simple: no.  It wasn't that I was trying to be mean or anything like that.  Let's supposed that I did make it to the White House and let's say that is wasn't for many years.  How could I promise something to someone years ahead of time not knowing if the situation would be right for it.  If I had said yes, then I would have been bound by my words, and I will tell you that I never try to break my word, not for anything.

The words we speak, the promises we make have power in them.  If you are going to live a spiritual life then you need to understand the power in your words, the power in your thoughts.  How irritating is it when you have taken the time to invite people over to your home for a meal, and then they simply never show up?  There is no call to advise you that they have changed their mind, they simply just never show up.  Some people would call this rude, which it is, but it is even more than that.  It is a sure sign that these people are not aware of their words nor the power that words play in our everyday life.

Every word we speak, every thought that we have, has life in it.  Sometimes the life span of a word or thought is short, but even a short duration is enough to throw one's life into a tailspin.  If you are speaking words that do not share or join with your divine nature, then you are certainly going to experience things that you might not wish to experience.  There is a reason that I am suggesting you watch your words and the sooner you are able to grasp this the sooner you can change what has been happening around you.

There was a time when I was so destitute that all I could do was bemoan my current situation.  I had yet to identify with the fact that I was causing more destitution to follow me around because I kept speaking about it.  If you don't think that your words and thoughts have power then I really have fallen down on the job.  We create the environment we live in.  Now this does not happen over night, but I guess it could.  Most of what we live through was brought here out of ignorance.  Now I am not saying you are ignorant, what I am saying is that the words we speak, that quite often we are not even aware of what we are saying, have the ability to mold and shape your current life.  I have said this many times in the past but it bears repeating now.  If you desire peace, joy, and happiness in your life, then begin by sowing peace, joy, and happiness.  What ever you put out there in the universe is going to come back around to you sooner or later.  That being the case then why in tarnation would you want to sow things that are counter to your true nature?

I have made a point of watching the words that come out of my mouth.  I proclaim that I am peace, that I am joy, that I am happiness.  I declare all these things because I am these things and I want to operate and live in these things. I also speak about being a writer, a lecturer.  All those things that I hold in my heart, that I know to be true, are the things that I speak.  Now there will be those who will discount all of this, but what are you going to do.  You can lead a horse to water...oh to hell with it, if you can't look and tell that what I am writing is spot on, then maybe we need to have a little one on one intervention.  OK, I know I am being a little nutty with this, but that's only because it is of such importance to each one of you.  Our words, your words, are what will be the cornerstone of what is awaiting you.  You can choose to set your path and make it smooth and ever so relaxed, or you can make it rocky and a terrain that is not passable by anyone.

Words and thoughts, your words and thoughts, are what you can expect to be front and center.  You control what your life is going to look like.  You are the creator of your surroundings.  I cannot make you believe this, you are going to have to know this.  You will have to come to terms with certain things, then and only then will you be able to make any needed change that needs to be made.  Please think long and hard on what I write today.  When you begin to realize that your words and thoughts control your future, then maybe you will begin to design your future with your own words and thoughts.  The ball is in your court now, make the right decision.

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