Thursday, October 23, 2014

Look Deep, and then you will find true happiness.
Yep, there are days when we just have to look around and realize that things are pretty darn good.  I always appreciate these days much more then the other ones that seem to drag on and on, with no end to the malaise that seems to be the day. The question I have for you today is how do we find that happiness?  How do we zero in on those things that will put a smile on our face and allow us to extend that smile to others around us?

Happiness seems to be fleeting at times especially when we are faced with the many situations that pop up around our daily activities, or as some put it the "daily grind".  Well it only has to be a grind if you let it.  You control the pace of any day.  And, before you go and say that you can't control what goes on each and every day of your life, let me tell you that you can.

If someone is always focused on those things that bring you down, then you are only postponing the joy that should be present in your life each and every day.  We as spiritual beings have been equipped with the ability to manifest anything we want in life.  It is my desire to teach you that what you desire should be in line with your true nature and the nature of the Creator of the Universe, God.  If you can come to an understanding of God's nature, then you can activate this nature in your life, and then happiness will follow you each and every day of your life.  This may seem like an impossible task, but I assure you that it is possible, and once you step into this realm then there will be very little that will ever keep you from wanting to stay in this place.

I was having a discussion with a friend yesterday who is trying to figure out what to do about school and the fact that he is not at all happy with what he is studying and not even sure if this type of work is what he wants to do.  Well this lead me to discuss passion and why passion is such a vital part of our life and why we should follow our passion.  One's passion is no ones business except the person who has the passion.  We have allowed man to rob us of the joy of our passion simply because what we desire may be contrary to what they think we should be doing with our life.  Last time I checked it was my life and no one else's.  The last time I checked my happiness was based on what brought me joy and not what others thought I should be doing.  Last time I checked I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do with my life, and I think I have a pretty good handle on just what that is, so why let someone come in and screw it up?

True happiness is when you are confidently walking in your passion.  Your passion might be in the form of a job, a vocation.  It might be in the form of a hobby.  It might be your surroundings and those who surround you each and every day.  There is no pre-set mold for anyone's passion.  Each person will have a different one and each person has the right to display their own passion any way they see fit.  Your passion is there, no doubt about it.  The flame of your passion may have been quenched by the toil of the past days, months, or even years, but that ember is still very much inside of you.  Your passion is that one thing that you cannot let go of.  It keeps popping up time and time again.  It is there just begging you to pick it back up and experience the joy that will come from walking in it.  Your True Destiny is all about your passion.  There is a reason you are passionate about something, and that something is probably your destiny.

Given the option to work with your passion vice just longing for it, what option would you choose?  I love my time when I get to sit down and write.  The joy, happiness, and sheer peace that I feel while I am writing is enough to bring tears to my eyes.  These tears are tears of joy because I am doing what I was put here to do.  Each person has that passion in them, it may not have been discovered yet, but it is there.  Until such time as you can put your finger on it, true happiness will stay away.  Certainly you will experience bits and pieces of happiness, but nothing that could compare to the happiness you are feeling when you finally step out into your destiny.

Some people ask me why I spend so much time either talking or writing about passion.  It's pretty simple really:  passion is what will set you free.  Passion is what will take you to your rightful place.  Passion is what will bring you to a place of perfect peace, total joy and happiness, and an understanding of why you are here.  As I said to my friend, if your passion is to be a professional bungee jumper, then be the best damn jumper you can be.  It doesn't matter what others think, what matters is that you are pursuing your passion, your destiny.  Let all those who want to crap on your idea stay in the unhappy situations they seem to always find themselves in.  You move forward and do what you feel like you should be doing.  In the end you will be walking in happiness while they are still trying to figure out what is going wrong in their life.

It is time to look deep and be honest with yourself.  It is time to ask the simple question, "what makes me happy?"  Happiness is there for you, but you must want it.  You control it, no one else.  Find your passion and then you will find your happiness.  This I know, and this I share with you now.  It is time to discover your passion and in doing so discover what a life full of happiness is like.  I look forward to hearing about your discoveries.

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