Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Is life really like a box of chocolates?
Run Forrest run!  Yep in the famous words of Forrest Gump, "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get."  Regrettably this is true for many people, but would it surprise you if I told you that you can change all this? That you do in fact have the ability to know what life is going to hand you. That you have the ability to fashion any life you want?  The naysayers are already circling the wagons waiting for a fight, but I assure you that after today you just might look at things a little differently, and then I will have done my good deed for the day.

Ninety nine percent of what we go through is generally brought on by our own thoughts and words.  Well maybe not 99%, but a fair share of it I can promise you that.  Humans set themselves up for failure more often than not.  They look at what may be in front of them and far too often it is thought to be doom and gloom.  This doom and gloom has been brought on by years and years of conditioning from others who expect the world to come to an end.  Sadly, these are the same people who can't stand it when the world in fact continues on.  "This day is going to suck" can be heard across this planet on almost any given day.  People will get up out of bed and before as much as a "Good morning to you" they have already figured out why today is going to suck.  Let me fill you in on a little secret: if you feel as though the day is going to "suck" I will bet you any amount that you will not have to go far to have this proven out to you.

Our inability to free ourselves from the so called ups and downs of life in in direct proportion to our inability to set the intention.  What do I mean by setting the intention?  It's quite simple, if you want peace, joy, and happiness in your life then speak it out.  If you want life to continue to suck, then simply continue to say it sucks and your wishes will come true.  I know this may seem like a simple concept, but it seems that this simple concept is harder for people to grasp then you would think.

For years and years I would bemoan my financial condition.  I couldn't understand why I could never seem to get ahead.  I would always say why I hated never having enough money to do what I wanted to do, never realizing that this simple act of stupidity on my part was what was stopping me from having the abundance that was mine to have.  For years I would wonder why I could not find the right job.  Once again it was because I was setting myself up for this by the words I spoke and the thoughts that I was unable to hold captive.

If you want to know what you are going to get out of life then all you need to do is tell life what it is going to be like.  If you want peace, then speak it, live it, give it to someone else.  If you want joy, sow joy.  If you want happiness then be happy for others, and watch that happiness come back to you in a greater measure.

I've spoken about the Law of Attraction numerous times over the last few years, but this law is one of those things that you will have to experience before you will ever make the shift that is required.  We will never change the Law of Attraction, but what we can do is understand it so we are on the positive side of it and not the side that says that life "sucks".  Given the option to live in peace and joy instead of fear and unhappiness, which side of the coin do you really want?  When it comes down to it, you have to make the choice.   Your thoughts, words, intentions, are what will dictate what appears in your life.  Let's be real, if one were being honest with themselves, they would have to admit some of the words that have come out of their mouths.  Words that have set them up for failure, words that have brought them misery and torment.  Most haven't done this on purpose, they have just continued on down a road that has been shown to them by others.

I carefully watch the words that come out of my mouth.  I hold captive those thoughts that do not depict the life I want for myself.  Until such time as I was able to see this I was experiencing life that could only be classified as miserable.  I thought that life sucked, but I was the one that was making my life this way.  I had to realize that there was no one else to blame for what I was going through.  Intention is a powerful thing.  Intention is the difference between a life full of promise and one filled with all manners of distress and lack.

Your words, your thoughts, will come to pass.  So what do you want in your life?  If you want to know what lies ahead for you, then all you have to do is set the intention and let it happen for you.  I know how difficult it can be to believe this, but give it a try and see if things don't turn around for you.  I have been on the end of the stick of life that has beaten me down, bloodied me up, and let me say I hated it.  I have also learned to set the intention, and because of that I now have the things that were missing for so many years of life.

We will talk about this again I'm sure, but until that time do some studying on intention.  I can't make you do this, but I can encourage you along the way.  If you decide to discount this, oh well I tried.  If you can pick up on this then change will come.  I recommend change by the way.

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