Friday, July 18, 2014

What if...?
What if left was right and right was left?  What if a,e, i,o and u were consonants and not vowels?  What if a Pineapple Upside Down Cake, wasn't really upside down?  We could play the what if game all day and night and we could still find things to wonder about.

In my wacky world I think of the "what ifs" of life and I begin to wonder what I could do with them.  What if every single person alive today and those that will come in the future, were able to walk in their destiny?  What if everyone could put ego aside and just be who they were created to be?  If this were a possibility, we could eradicate poverty, lack, and illiteracy.

There are countless things that could and would change in the world if only we began asking the "what if" question more and more and were open to what response came to us.

I often think of some of the comforts we take for granted each day and wonder what the inventors were thinking when they came up with the idea.  I suppose the Wright Brothers thought about flight.  Did they ask the question, what if we could find a way to get from the West Coast to the East Coast and not have to take a train?  Did Thomas Edison ask himself, what if we found a way to illuminate a room simply by using electricity and a few glass bulbs?

No matter what we see today, someone, somewhere has asked the "what if" question.  This question however, is not limited to just things we can invent.  This question can be asked about almost anything you can think of.  I tend to look at things in terms of destiny.  Once again, what if every single person was aware of and walking in their destiny?  You might be asking yourself "why I am content to stay in this job?"  Your neighbor down the street might be asking why his or her life seems to be stuck in neutral and thinking "what if I changed things up a bit?".

Asking the "what if" question is really the first step in a process of discovery.  You might be wondering why you feel this way or that way.  You might be thinking about what you didn't do, that you should have.  You might even be thinking about what lies ahead and wondering which path to take.  There are many people who play the "what if" game after the fact, as a way of second guessing themselves.  What if they had done this instead of that, how would things have turned out?  What I want you to start doing is asking the "what if" question but using it in a way that embraces change, that creates possibilities, and that inspires thought and action.

People ask questions each and every day.  Sometimes the questions come because we need clarification on something.  Sometimes questions come because we need to feel secure in something. Sometimes the questions come simply out of curiosity.  No matter the reason, questioning something is OK.  Now there are those who feel as though they are being attacked when they are questioned about something that they have earmarked as their own personal "mine, mine, mine".  To hell with them.  Don't ever allow someone's insecurity stop you from asking the what if question and proceeding down the path you were intended to go down.  These not so nice individuals will have to deal with their own issues sooner or later.

The main point I am trying to make today is that asking the what if question is perfectly fine, and it is in order with the Creator of the Universe.  These what if questions have come to you as a way of showing you what you should be doing.  They are clues to unlocking your passion and walking in your destiny.  What if you could be doing the one thing that would bring you complete joy and happiness?  How would this change your life?  We have been so conditioned to not rock the boat.  Don't you dare question authority.  Don't you dare think more of yourself.  These are all things that come from others who have settled for things and are unwilling to push the bounds of what is "normal".  My question is then, what is normal?  Why do we have to be reduced to a bunch of people that just roll with the punches and never ask "what if"?

The world is full of possibility and you need to begin to ask yourself what if I could.  There are countless people who have done this and they have achieved some pretty spectacular things.  The ability to do what will boggle the mind is just as much for you as anyone else.  The real achievers are the ones who are not afraid to ask "what if" and they are the ones who will move forward in those things that they are curious about.  It is time to ask the questions and time to move ahead.  Just think about it.  What if you had the answer to the question, why am I here?  This is when your life will change forever, and this will be a great change.

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