Monday, July 21, 2014

It's no laughing matter! It's time to stop the madness.
OK, what's not a laughing matter?  First, I'm glad you asked the question.  There are many things in this world that are not laughing matters.  I could go on and on about war, poverty, barbarism, genocide.  There are so many issues that face this planet, but the one I want to speak about today is much closer to home, and one that I have dedicated my life to working on.

Let me give you a little background, and after that I will share what is at the center of my existence.  It has taken me years to discover my passion.  What I am doing now is nothing I ever expected to be doing.  I was sure that I would be rich someday, but my desire to be rich was for all the wrong reasons.  I thought that if I had all the accolades, all the possessions, all the trappings of wealth, that somehow I would be someone in this world.  I was confident that I would  prove to myself that I had what it took to be the master of my domain, and that I would wield unlimited power and influence.  I had to hit rock bottom to realize that even with all the trappings of wealth I still would not have known the real me.  As I have said so many times before, if you are not good enough without anything,  you still won't be good enough with everything.  When I say good enough I am talking about your own personal realization of who and what you are.  People are not their possessions, they are not their job, or status in society.  People are first and foremost spiritual beings who just happen to be housed in this thing we call a human body.  We are born, we live, and then we die.  That is the circle of life, but life is so much more then simply being born, doing something to put food on the table and providing for others, and then departing this existence.  Life is about knowing why you were put here in the first place, and sadly too many people never figure out their purpose.

It is no laughing matter when there are countless people walking around without the slightest bit of understanding of why there are here.  It is no laughing matter when millions of people feel trapped in a life that is nothing like the one they had dreamt about as a child.  It is no laughing matter when people abdicate their rightful place in the universe simply because they have never allowed themselves to look deeper into the meaning of life and have bought what man has portrayed as truth hook, line, and sinker. No it's no laughing matter and it really is time to stop the madness.  At the core of my being is a passion for helping others come to a deeper, and lasting understanding of who they are.  I know that I could never do this had I not taken the time to discover the real Scott.  I'm not talking about the Scott who wanted to rule, who wanted to conquer, who wanted to be President of the United States.  I'm talking about the Scott who is aware of his divinity. The Scott who wants nothing more then to continue to write, speak, and share with others how they can obtain this knowledge, this understanding.  In the deepest part of your being is this same knowing, this belief that you have that says there is something more out there.

We each have the ability to discover our purpose, our destiny.  Problem is, we have allowed others to say to us what is right or what is wrong.  It is hard for me to understand how others can know what is best for me, or you for that matter, when they can't even determine what is best for them.  I have seen people give up on their dreams simply because someone decided to tell them all the reasons why they would never accomplish those dreams.  I have seen people who were so excited about finally figuring out who they were, just to let some ass tell them why they were anything but.  Raining on someone else's parade is wrong.  Simply because you have lost your umbrella and you want others to be as miserable as yourself doesn't give you the right to take away their dreams. Believe you me this happens everyday and I can't stand to see it happen.  

You may have to hold your dreams close to the cuff when they are first revealed to you, but this is wisdom.  Why take the chance of letting someone sabotage your dreams just because they are too much of a coward to go after they own dreams.  You see, it's no laughing matter when someone has lost the will to live, or the desire to move forward with their dreams.  You can stop the madness by simply not allowing others to sway you from your appointed destiny.  You can stop the madness by accepting who and what you are.  You can stop the madness by holding true to the one thing you know to be truth: a life full of peace, joy, and happiness is yours for the taking.

I've been accused of only talking, writing, or speaking about destiny.  To that I plead guilty.  In my core, at my center, I have been given a great gift, and I aim to take this gift and use it to share my vision of destiny with as many people as I am able.  My desire is stopping the madness of never doing what is truly your passion, and having to live a life that is anything but fulfilling.  Living in a world of regret, a world of missed opportunities is no laughing matter.  It is time we move ahead with what is needed and in the process change the face of society.  We can get there.  We have everything we need to live a perfect life.  All we need to do is stop the madness and embrace who we are.

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