Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fathers and sons, daughters and fathers.
It's Father's Day and I could not let this special day go by without acknowledging what to me is the most important job I will ever have.  It's not about how many books I can write, or how many people I get to speak to about destiny and discovering the purpose of every life.  It's not about making a life for me, it's about preparing my daughter for the life she will lead, and it's how my father taught me the lessons I would need to make it in this world.

As a father I will admit that I have made a ton of mistakes, and I'm sure if you asked my father he would have to admit to the same thing.  Funny thing I don't remember the mistakes my father may have made, I just remember all that he taught me and for those things I will be forever grateful.  I am so fortunate to still have my father, albeit he is on the other side of the country, but he is still a presence in my life and I know that he still wants the very best for me and is a source of comfort to me.  As a father I hope that I have instilled in my daughter that I will always be there to offer what ever I can to make her life what it should be.

So what is a father?  Many have grown up not knowing this presence in their life, but it should only serve that they should want to make sure that they are around for their children so they do not miss out on things.  So what is a father?  A father guides, he inspires.  A father gives even when there is not much to give.  A father loves with everything inside of him.  A father helps his children understand the reason they are here, and shows them that there is nothing that should stand in the way of them achieving and being who they were intended to be.

Father's don't have all the answers, at least I didn't.  I tried like crazy to always have something to say, but as I learned later on in life, saying something was not always what was needed.  What was needed was my daughter knowing that she could just hold on to me, and I would hold on to her and let her know that things would be OK.  We can't always fix things, but we can always be there for comfort and a shoulder to cry on if that is what needs to happen.

My father taught me so many lessons in life.  I have tried to pass on those lessons to my daughter.  It wasn't because I didn't want to be original, but why reinvent the wheel?  What he taught me has served me well, and I saw no reason not to pass it on to my daughter.  My father taught me to be on time.  He taught me to work hard, never shirk from your responsibilities, and if you're going to do something, do it right.  I learned integrity from my father.  I learned that if it's worth having it's worth working for.  I am so thankful for what my father taught me because it goes right in line with how my life is right now.  Even some of the bad experiences I may have had growing up have prepared me for what I am doing right now.  Every situation in life is a lesson and an opportunity to learn from it.

When I look at my father I see a man who has sacrificed.  I see a man who has provided.  When I look at my father I see a man who till this day I respect, love, and I cherish every moment I can spend with him.  I know my father has had some ups and downs in his life, but through it all he never stopped loving his children nor wanting the best for us.  If my daughter loves me just a tenth of how much I love my father, then I am fortunate beyond words.

On this day that we celebrate fatherhood, remember the lessons that were taught, forget about the mistakes, and reflect upon the legacy that you will leave your children.  As fathers, as sons and daughters, we all are blessed.  Don't let this day, or any day for that matter, go by without telling your dad what he means to you, that you love him, and most of all that you appreciate the things he has instilled in you.  I would not be here right now, doing what I am doing right now, were it not for the guidance, love, and total acceptance that I received from my dad.  I know I speak for both my brother and sister when I say I am blessed to be Ronald Kauffman's son and I hope that I can someday repay him for all he has done for me.  Happy Father's Day Dad and know the love I have for you.

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