Monday, June 16, 2014

The Beauty and wonder of it all.
I was walking around barefoot in my front yard last night around 11 p.m. just enjoying a late spring night and gazing up into the night skies to see star after star.  It got me thinking about the wonders of the universe and the wonders of who and what we are.  Today's blog may be repeating some of what I have written in the past, but I have learned to follow the guidance of Spirit, and when asked to write something I tend to follow the guidance given me.  Truth be told that is how I have managed to write six books.

I am convinced that most people are unaware of the beauty and wonder that resides inside each of us.  This is evident by the many trials and set-backs that people go through.  I am just as prone to this, but as of late I have also taken more and more time to reflect on the beauty and wonder of my design, my being here right now, and the awesome potential that resides in me.

I recall one night many years ago when I came face to face with the Northern Lights.  I was coming home from a get together with friends and I could see this strange green glow above the tree line.  I got back to my house, stepped out on my deck and I could not believe how amazing this sight was.  The sky was emerald green and just amazing.  I had never seen anything like this, and to this day have never seen them as brilliant as they were that night.  It really was something that was almost indescribable, and I will never forget thinking about how lucky I was to observe this.  These lights are just a part of the magnificence of the total design of this universe, of which you and I are a part of.  Your design is equally as wonderful and sooner or later you are going to have to understand this, or forever wonder why the world has passed you by and none of your dreams ever come true.

I have said this before but there are times when you need to hear things over and over again until they finally sink in.  You will never, and I do mean never, be able to separate yourself from that which created you.  You were intended to be here right now, and there are things that you have been designed to accomplish.  The main reason someone never succeeds is because they have a warped view of their incredible design and more often than not have fallen victim to what others have either said about them or what they think of themselves.  God did not place you here now to fail, end of story, case closed.  When will you get it through your head that what others say or think about you doesn't matter.  I have seen people who have great dreams and ideas and instead of moving forward with them, let them fade away because some fool told them that it would never work, never make them any money, as if money is the only motivator, or that now is not the time for such an endeavor.  How cruel to rain on someone else's parade.  Most of the time the negative talk is only because others are trying to cover up their own insecurities or failures to go after what they dream about.

Your majesty is just that, majesty.  We have been taught to never think more highly of ourselves, when in fact that is exactly how you should see yourself.  If God thought enough to bring you here now then who has the right to say that God made a mistake and that you being here is a mistake.  When someone is crude enough to rain on your parade then they have just belittled God and made the profound statement that what God has created is in fact less then stellar.  You are not less than stellar, you are not fodder for someone else's war, you are in fact an incredible being, spiritually based, and eternal.  Your spirit will never die, and you should realize that having just an occasional spiritual experience is not going to bring you satisfaction.  You are a spiritual being who happens to inhabit a mortal body.  You are not a mortal who every now and again may have a spiritual experience.

It is time to realize that you have all you need to be the person you were created to be.  Your spirit is the great equalizer against the spears and arrows of man.  It is not God who gets in the way of our completing our appointed task, it is us and others.  You are beauty, wonder, and awe all in one being.  You must begin to see this if you are ever going to be the person you were destined to be.  Until I could see me for who I really was, I was only spinning my wheels, hopping against hope that someday I might do something magical and special.  Well I am something magical and special and so are you.  All you have to do is be the person that was perfect at birth, and remains perfect even now.  Forget the harsh words of others and pick up on the ever present Creator of the Universe and listen to the words of encouragement, words of love, words of strength, and words of wonder that emanate from your creator.  These words are for you, about you, and will forever become a part of you if you will allow it.  You are beautiful and wonderful and those words about you, you can take to the bank.

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