Friday, May 2, 2014

Take a deep breath and realize you have made it.

You've just crossed the finish line and you are still able to walk. That was the longest 26.2 miles in the history of the world, but you did it and no one can take that away from you.  It was an epic event, 5000 plus spectators looking at your work and listening to your words.  How you managed to get this put together in the short time that was allotted to you is still a mystery.  You must make a mental note to thank all those who stood with you and helped you get this showing put together.  You did it, the 8 course meal with 24 guest.  It was sheer genius, and that glass of Pinot is something you will truly savor as the last guest exits your house and now you can just take a deep breath and realize you made it.

The simple fact is that no matter the size of the accomplishment, whether epic or just run of the mill, there is still joy in taking that resting breath and knowing that you did your best, and that is all one should ever ask.  No matter what you accomplish the one thing I would like you to consider, and this is where people often slip up, don't forget those who were there to help you along the way.  In all the time I have been on this planet I have yet to meet anyone who has been able to do great things without great people around them.  Now there is no doubt that you probably did the lion's share of the work, but let's be real, you didn't do it all by your lonesome.  The help may have come in the form of supportive and comforting words from a loved one, but they are just as important as the energy you exerted doing what it was you were doing.  Please allow me to give you just one additional bit of advice and this has served me well and I hope it serves you equally as well.  When you have accomplished something, instead of going right out and starting your next project or that always dreamt about super achievement, just rest for a bit and enjoy the moment.  There are times when moments of joy and that sense of accomplishment are far and few between, why not relish in it for a moment.  There will be time for your next conquest, simply enjoy this one for at least a minute or two.

I can remember when I had just finished my undergraduate degree and for weeks after I felt guilty if I spent time watching TV or just lounging about.  I had been going so fast for so long that it just was a part of my daily activities.  I literally had to tell myself it was OK to relax.  We as humans have been conditioned to believe that if we are not going a mach plus then somehow our existence will not mean as much.  That drive to accomplish something, that desire to do more than someone else: I am not saying this is a bad thing, but when you do not take the time to appreciate what you have done and only think about the next thing on your to-do list, then you have really lost track of what is really important.

Achievements in life are very important, but the most important part of achieving something is the reason behind the initial desire to achieve something.  If your motivation is solely for the purpose of building up your own personal esteem, then I will bet you will be the one who is always going after the next endeavor and never taking the time to appreciate what you have just completed.  On the other side of the coin, if your motivation is to help the rest of humanity, then my guess is you won't mind taking that deep breath and just enjoying the moment you are in.  I know there are people out there who only care about themselves.  This saddens me, not because they are selfish egotistical jerks, but because they will never fully reach their potential.  They will never truly understand destiny, nor the place that destiny plays in our lives.  Once you have discovered your destiny, then the desire to complete things simply because it will bring you joy and provide you a sense of worth, will go the way of the dinosaur.  Destiny is never about what's in it for me, it is all about what does it do, or what will it do for the betterment of the rest of the world.

If discovering your destiny has avoided you up till this point, maybe you have been going about it all wrong.  Maybe your quest for destiny is not about how many things you can accomplish but rather slowing down and understanding the signs that have been sent to you.  If you are continuously going here and there, doing this and that, then you haven't taken the time to see or even recognize the signs left for you so you can discover your own destiny.  I have been there so I know the feeling of going full speed ahead, but traveling at light speed with out the proper direction is going to get you lost and lost is not what you want when in search of your destiny.  Maybe it's time for you to slow down and just enjoy a slower pace of life.  I don't want to hear the excuses, and trust me I have heard them all, because I have said them all myself.  "If I don't do it, who will?"  "I know I can't trust anyone to do it right, so I have to do it."  This was nothing more than my inability to let go of things.  Control is a wicked thing, and one you should consider giving up if you know what is good for you.

It is time to take a step back, enjoy the fruits of your labor, and just relax.  What have you got to loose if you simply take a break and enjoy the moment?  Is the world going to come to an end because you have taken a little extra time to enjoy those around you, to enjoy the success you have helped come to pass, or to enjoy the simple things in life like friends, family and loved ones?  If you put everything else in life in front of enjoying a few peaceful moments then you will ultimately lose something far more valuable.  It is time to step back, take a deep breath and realize you have made it, and now you can enjoy some much needed time away from doing anything.  Think about this and please take your time doing it.  When it is all said and done, it will be the best time you have ever spent.

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