Thursday, May 1, 2014

I've fallen and I can't get up. So now it's time to display the strength you have.
Yep it's one of those days when nothing is going as planned.  The thoughts you had of a day void of conflict, void of stress, and void of other things that go bump in the night, have flown out the window and staring you in the face is conflict, stress, and every kind of distraction you can think of.  It has become one of those days in which you would have been better staying in bed and taking a mental health day.  Oh I know the feeling well, and I will say that I found myself in just this very place this morning.  I received some news that quite frankly knocked the wind out of my sails and I wasn't quite sure what to do next.  I went to my office, shut out the rest of the world and just meditated for an hour.  I knew that I needed to write and I was not going to let this news keep me from what I do and who I am.

We all face huge mountains from time to time.  Those huge obstacles that never seem to end and there appears to be no way to get over them or around them.  It is in those situations when you have fallen down and you feel as though you will not be able to get up off the ground, that you must remember who and what you are.  Oh I have been there before, and I will be there again, if for no other reason then I am just as human as you and I face these types of things almost daily.

I could have given up today and let what happened derail me for the rest of the day, but that is not who I am, and that is not what I have come to accept in my life.  As a writer I have the wonderful opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with the rest of the world.  No matter what I am going through, no matter what tries to stop me, there is no one on this planet that can deny me the opportunity to share what is in my heart, nor the desire to share it.

"Rain drops on roses, whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles, warm woolen mittens", although these might not be some of my favorite things, when faced with bad news or situations that seem to knock you down, I do think about some of my favorite things.  I think about the ability to write and my desire to share with others.  I cannot fixate on what may have transpired, but rather make the decision to focus on those things that I know to be true, those things that I know I have been destined to accomplish, and those things that I have been gifted to do.  I focus on those things that bring happiness to me and I allow that energy to go out into the universe and by virtue of the Law of Attraction expect happiness to come back to me.  I may not know what form that happiness will take, but I know that I know that happiness will come back to me.  It is in your time of distress or uncertainty that you must find happiness, send it out to the universe and expect it to come back to you.

It would have been so easy to get bogged down in the bad news and just say to hell with writing today and bury myself in self-pity.  OH, don't get me wrong, I will admit that I did give that some thought, but then I also realized that doing that would have been of no benefit to me, and if you chose that route it will be of no benefit to you.  Claude M. Bristol said this, "Every person is the creation of himself, the image of his own thinking and believing. As individuals think and believe, so they are."  Without regard to what may be going on around me, I am still a writer and I still have a destiny.  You to have a destiny, and no matter what you may be going through, your destiny will not change.

During my meditation this morning I was asking the normal questions: why is this happening, what am I doing wrong, and what do I do now?  I was asking, not because I didn't know the answer, but because I was looking for comfort in my situation.  We all need comfort, we all need answers, and we all need to know that we are not alone in what we are going through.  What came back to me is that things happen for a reason and there are no coincidences in the universe.  Would I have liked a different outcome?  Well yea, but I have also grown to a point where I must accept that I do not have all the answers and that God is never going to place me in a situation that I cannot handle or that is not what is best for me in this given moment.  It's never easy to miss out, or come up short, or even be told that what you had hoped for is not going to be as you had wished.  What is important is that you realize that things do happen for a reason and once again all things are there to teach us something.

When situations come about that get you wondering why, how come, or even is it me, stop what you are doing and know that you are exactly where you need to be.  Find the joy in knowing the perfection of your life and that even in the midst of a difficult or lousy situation, you are just exactly where you need to be.  Falling down and deciding not to get back up is what defeat is.  Getting back up is showing character, determination, and it is coming to an understanding that those things that have been placed in you to accomplish are not easily stopped.  If you will not let go of your destiny then I assure you that your destiny will never let go of you.  I am a writer and there is nothing that will ever make me believe otherwise.  I may get knocked over every now and again, but no matter how many times I may have to pick myself back up, I stand tall knowing that the writer in me is there for a reason and I will not stop until I have had the opportunity to reach millions with my words.

We all have fallen, but if you are reading this, then you have also picked yourself back up and you are still moving forward.  Your destiny awaits you, no matter how many times life wants to knock you down.  Together we will accomplish some great things, and together we will help others off the ground and back to where they belong.  There is strength in numbers and together we will help others achieve what is in their heart to achieve.

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