Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Around around it goes and where it stops, nobody knows.
Yep, hard to know where a circle ends or where it starts.  Harder still, is it just keeps going and going and going, but yet you seem to end up in the same place.  Take a gander at the Ferris Wheel:  your vantage point might change, which changes the view, but in the end, you still end up at the same place.

It seems as though that life, or life's journey, can seem this way from time to time.  We go about our day, doing the same thing day in and day out, and of course we get the same results.  After a while one would think that changing things up might be the preferred method if one is looking to obtain a different result.  The real issue is:  do you indeed want a different result?  Many people like the comfort that comes with the known things in life.  If you do this, then you get that.  If I play it safe, then I never have to worry about getting out of my box, and therefore I can keep things as they are.  The questions arises then:  what happens when you want a change, but you have no idea how to change things up?  Now this is a place that many people find themselves in, just going around in circles, and it is a place that most would give everything they own to get out of.

Please allow me to share what I have learned and maybe this will help you get off this never ending cycle of lack, fear, and doubt.  I had been trapped on this never ending, never changing circle for quite some time.  This wasn't anything that I planned to do, it just happened.  I could not for the life of me understand why things never seemed to change or why I could never make the jump to change what was going on in my life.  I made the same mistake as so many before me, and most likely will happen to others in the future, I was comfortable in my misery.  I had found ways to soften the blow when it came, and boy did it appear frequently.  I could adapt to almost any situation and I become an expert at robbing Peter to pay Paul.  For the longest time this was my reality, as bad as it was, it was still my reality.  I always thought that there was something wrong with me.  Why was everyone else experiencing happiness and joy?  Why did everyone else seem to have the perfect job?  Why was I the only one who had to content with feelings of low self-worth and self-hatred?   I know I'm not the only one who has felt like this, but at the time, I felt as though I was the only one on the planet going through what I was going through.  It took a radical change in my own thoughts, my own beliefs, to turn things around.  It is the same change in thought and belief you will have to make if you ever want to change the circle, thereby changing your path.

I first thought that when I discovered my destiny that all would be well with the world and that I would progress on my path with hardly a hiccup.  I was destined for greatness and I could finally do what I had dreamt about, talked about, and wrote about.  Problem was, I still had not totally believed what I was saying to others.  I could share with people how they deserved the best in life and should expect it.  I could encourage others to go after all they could envision and believe it would come to pass.  I could even see great progress in other's lives.  What I could not do was believe that the same was there for me as well.  I just did not feel worthy of such a great life and because of that, it escaped me, or should I say I let it escape me.  It was not until I truly saw myself the way the Creator of the Universe saw me that things began to change.

My circle was a prison cell in which I never saw myself getting out of.  I was sure that I would struggle for the rest of my life, albeit doing some of the things I loved, things I believed in, but none-the-less still struggling with my unworthiness.  It has taken me quite sometime to learn that I am worthy.  I am worthy not because of what I do, but simply because of who and what I am.  I know many will probably be rolling their eyes right now because I have said this so many times in the past, but it needs to be said again, and again, and again, until you pick up on it.  For me it had to be said a million times and still I contend with feelings that I would just assume not pick up again.  You were created out of love and because of love, and through this love, you are unique, special, and worthy of all the things that have been placed into your heart.  Your worthiness is not based on what you do, what you desire, or what you have or haven't gone through.  Your worthiness is solely based on the fact that you are divine in nature and there is nothing, and I mean nothing in the known universe that will ever change this fact.  You can never do anything that will change the Creator's love for you, nor will it ever change the reason you were put on this earth.

Our circle is full of trying to be someone we are not.  Full of trying to replicate what you see in others even if what you see is not supposed to be you.  We have all been guilty of trying to be like someone else because if we could we might achieve some of the same things they achieved.  I've been there, so it's no surprise to me when I see others making the same mistake.  Please, please, please hear me: you are you for a reason and you never have to be something, or someone, you are not.  Your destiny will never change, so there is no need for you to change who you were created to be.  If you want to stop the cycle, if you want to change the size or scope of your circle, then all you need to do is come to an understanding of your worthiness.  Grasp what others have not been able to grasp and believe with all your heart that you have to do nothing to gain worthiness, you simply have to accept it.  Today can be a day of liberation, of freedom, of release if you will simply come to terms with your worthiness.  If you ever want to talk about this reach out to me.  My destiny is helping others discover their destiny.  Once you can understand that you are worthy of walking in your destiny, then the journey to it becomes a whole lot easier and I dare say a whole lot more pleasurable.  You can do this.  Acceptance  of your worthiness is as simple as 1-2-3.

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