Friday, May 23, 2014

The wonder of it all. Seeing beauty in all that you do, in all that you are, and everywhere you go.
We have always said that seeing is believing.  Often if we cannot see it, feel it, touch it, smell it, or taste it, then we can't believe in something.  I know there is an element of faith in almost anything and everything that we do, but sometimes we need that concrete "I know that I know" and remove any doubt that might be lingering about.

The first step in removing any and all doubt is to begin to see the splendor that is you and the wonder that you are right now.  It's not the "greatness" that may eventually rise to the top, or the "simply marvelous" that is just waiting to be discovered, the wonder of it all is in you right now.  If you never accomplished all those things that you had hoped to accomplish in life then you would still be a thing of wonder, and there is nothing that is ever going to change that.  If one can come to terms with the wonder that is you, then all other things will begin to fall into place and the doors that had once seemed closed and locked, with no possibility of ever opening up again, will magically re-open and all the dreams and desires that have been laying dormant for too long will begin again and newness will come to you.

I spent many years dreaming and dreaming.  I spent many years envisioning and thinking about all the great things that I wanted to accomplish.  It wasn't until I could see the wonder of who I was that my locked doors began to open.  Now seeing myself as wonderful does not make me full of myself.  Seeing myself as wonderful is nothing more than realizing the wonder of my creation and the love that was behind me being put here on earth at this appointed time.  We have been so conditioned to not think more of ourselves then we are, but in doing this, we have dampened, and in some cases killed off, any and all possibility of success in our life.

I can look at a beautiful mountain range and see the beauty that exist there each and every day.  This range has done nothing in and of itself to create beauty, it just is.  I can observe the birds flying about and building their nest each year in preparation for new life.  This wonder, this beauty, is simply a part of who they are.  I can see the beauty in each person I come in contact with, with out regard to whether they see the beauty in themselves.  Until such time as you can accept that you are a wonderful creation, own it and walk in it, then there will be things that you will never be able to accomplish.  I am not saying you will not be successful, what I am saying is that the destiny that was placed in you at the beginning of time will never come to maturity.  You will miss out on many, many things that you were intended to have, but because of your lack of knowledge, you will not fulfill all that you were intended to fulfill and because of that others will miss out on some pretty important stuff that was for them.

I must always keep in mind that what I do will impact others and equally important the things that I do not do, that may have been part of my destiny, will also affect them.  Once again, we are all connected and what the right hand does will eventually affect the left hand.  Were it not for our feet we could not walk.  Were it not for our hands we could not grasp.  Were it not for our eyes, no sight, no ears, no hearing, and on and on it goes.  All of our body works together so we might function in the world today.  The sum total of our being works together with others to bring about those things that we all need.  If one fails to achieve their destiny then there will be those who miss out on things that they need to achieve their destiny.

You are a thing of wonder, a thing of beauty, and in that wonder and beauty is your destiny.  Everything you have gone through, everything you will go through is there to get you to your destiny.  If you are unable to see this then you will make the mistake of always seeing bad in bad and not the good in bad.  Even a bad experience is a teaching experience, and with new teaching comes growth and with growth comes freedom.  It is time that you begin to see and accept the wonder in you.  It is time to put away the doubt, the hurt of the past, and the fear of tomorrow, and simply accept that you are in the right place at the right time, and you will discover and walk in your destiny.

I see more clearly now then ever before, not because my vision has improved, but because of my acceptance of who and what I am.  I now longer have to measure myself against someone else.  It is no longer a competition, it simply is being me and seeing the wonder in me.  Take some time and let this all sink in.  Begin to see the wonder of your creation and then you will begin to accept certain things that have evaded you in the past.  It is in knowing who you are, what you are, that will allow you to be who you are.  You are a thing of beauty and when you begin to see this, you will be on your way to discovering and walking in your destiny.

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