Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What's love got to do with it?

Jose Luis Mieza Photography
Well, it is almost Valentine's Day, so why not write about love.  Whenever one talks or writes about love it congers up all sorts of emotions and feelings.  Depending on what side of the fence you may be on these emotions can either be ones to remember or ones that you would very much like to forget.  Either way, love is an emotion we will all have to face and one that will ultimately dictate what kind of life you will have.  I wish I could tell you that I have all the answers when it comes to love, but truth be told I have had my share of missteps in the love department and I would not want to be presumptuous and make you believe that I have it all together in that department.  Those that are closest to me would be able to testify to that.  What I do hope to impart to you today is the understanding that no matter where you are in life, you will never get to where you really need to be without the love and support of others in your life.  I have had conversation with people who will state unequivocally that they do not need love, it is just a distraction, to this I say horse crap.  The only reason one would say this is because they have never experienced true love, or allowed it into their life, so they have no base line to judge the rest of life.

First things first, loving someone and being in love with someone are two different things.  I have loved lots of people, but being in love with someone is totally different.  Without sounding to corny, being in love with someone is when that person truly completes you.  It is when your heart is completely full to overflowing.  I have been told that there are times when one feels they are in love and then you realize that it is just infatuation.  People are great at putting titles on love: puppy love, innocent love, and life changing love.  Truth be told love is love and it doesn't matter where it comes from or who it is directed toward.  I loved my first car, my first house, my first job, but I was never in love with those things.  I have been in love with a select few and those were moments that were life changing.

Let me say something and if this offends some of my readers, well I will say that I make no apologies for it.  There are people out there who would like us all to believe that love is physical and who we love somehow has to fit into their definition of love.  First and foremost, love is not physical.  Sure there is a physical element to love, but it is not love.  If you are basing love on the physical, you're an idiot.  Yes a little harsh, but no harsher then your intolerance that has been displayed for far too long. To those who feel that love can only be manifested between a man and a women, well you are completely wrong and you need to really get a grip on things.  When the love bug hits you, it is never going to be based on the object of your desire, it is something that quite often makes no sense. We are drawn to others and if you fall for someone there is nothing that is going to change that.  I am so tired of trying to fit my love into some one's definition of love.  "Oh they are too old, or too young."  "They are not good enough for you".  "They will never be able to make you happy."  Funny how people are so eager to give you their opinion on love, yet they are the last ones to jump into the pool of love.

Being in love is the cherry on top of the sundae.  Being in love is the one thing that will get you up in the morning eager to take on the day.  Being is love is what makes life worth living.  You can loose everything, but if you still have the love of your life then you will have what it takes to try again tomorrow. When you are seeking a love interest what do you think about most?  Are you thinking about how grand life is when you are around this person?  Are you thinking about the future and all the adventures you hope to have with him or her? Are you thinking about life with someone or life without?  I will say that a life void of love is no real life at all.  You can go through the motions each day, but deep down you know something is missing.  I don't care who you are or what you have gone through, a life void of love is a miserable existence.

If you are like so many others who have failed at loved in the past, or at least you feel as though love has failed you, don't give up hope.  There is someone out there for you.  It may not seem like it is in the realm of possibility, but it is, and it will find you.  We give up on love because we have given up on ourselves.  We either feel we are not worthy of love, or that our chance has come and gone.  Once again I say horse crap.  If you have not found the perfect love yet don't give up hope.  The person you desire is probably also looking and if you believe as I do that you can have your hearts desire, then love will bring the two of you together.  Destiny is destiny, you will not change that fact and we as humans are destined to find love.  I have loved a thousand times in the past, but none of it measures up to the one who was designed specifically for me.  We will fit together like a glove.  Don't settle for that square peg simply because you can fit it into the round hole.  Perfection is possible.

Love is what we all need, but it is something that we know so very little about and probably understand it even less.  Love is what makes the world go round, and if you are not willing to accept your place in the world, then you will never find the true love that awaits you.  We have all been "in love" at one point in our life, isn't it time that you let yourself go back to that place again?  A world without love is doomed to fail.  A world filled with love will expand, grow, and prosper.  Maybe it's time to rethink love, and decide that it is worth going after.  Think about that and let me know your thoughts.

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