Thursday, February 13, 2014

Vision, truth, destiny: time to come to grips with all three.
What is your vision, and I don't mean 20/20?  What is your truth?  What is your destiny?  If you have spent anytime thinking about these you would probably come to the same conclusion as I that they are pretty much the same thing.  If they do not line up together then I would suggest to you that you have a few things to discover, and until such time as you do you may find yourself wandering about aimlessly.

I was in a time of meditation yesterday and as is the case when I am in this mode thoughts come to me that I know I need to share with the readers.  I love it when Spirit drops these little nuggets of truth into my spirit because I know they are things that others will benefit from and I love providing guidance and hope to those who are in need of it.

When you think about all the things that lay ahead of you, what comes to mind?  Do you see yourself doing things that you have dreamt about?  Do they seem like some make believe fantasy that you hope to get to some day or can you almost feel and taste them?  Your vision is your road map to what you were created to do.  Your vision is what should get you up in the morning excited to have a chance to do what you love to do.  I have encountered so many people who have laid their vision on the back burner, and instead relegated themselves to a life unfulfilled and sadly, unremarkable.  I encourage you to take a look at what you are doing and honestly ask yourself is this as good as it gets.

What is truth as it relates to your vision?  Do you really believe that you have been called to do something special?  In truth, we have all be called to do something.  It doesn't have to be bigger or better than someone else's calling, because it is your calling and no one else's.  If you do not believe you have a calling then you need to figure out why and lay the ax to that root of doubt.  As sure as I am sitting here right now I can tell you that you have been called.  Whether you ever step out into those things you have been called to do is another story, but you have been called.  I know that I know, that I know, that my destiny is to help others discover their destiny.  I see it, I believe it, and I am walking in it.  There are times when I wonder where this will take me, but it doesn't matter where it takes me as long as I am willing to make the journey.  When you can feel and see yourself walking in your destiny, in your truth, then you will have taken one giant leap toward your true calling.  Until such time as you are able to do this, you will be just a little less sure of your future, a little empty, and a lot more frustrated.

Let me say this, and as hard as it may be to hear, it is something that needs to be said: If you are always jumping about trying to figure out what it is that makes you tick, what it is that you really want to do, and what it is that will bring you contentment and happiness, then I will tell you that you have not yet discovered your destiny.  When you come to grips with who and what you are and why you are here your focus will never dull and there will be nothing that will stop you from accomplishing the things you desire to accomplish.  This is a place that few have gotten to and yet, this is a place that is just waiting for you to occupy it.  In the ancient writing from the Tao, it is said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  Have you taken the first step toward your destiny?  If not, then why not?  What is holding you back?  If it is doubt, well join the club, many people have been there and will be there in the future.  Doubt is something that will stop a vision or destiny right in its tracks.  Doubt is nothing more than not believing.  Not believing you are good enough, not believing that you have what it takes, not believing you are deserving of such an honor as doing something that will bring you happiness.  I am here to tell you that you are deserving and that you have all the attributes required to walk in your destiny.

There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about destiny, mine and yours.  I long for the day when everyone is walking in their destiny.  There is a great awakening coming and when it does it will change the face of this planet.  Destiny is who and what you are.  It will not change and you cannot change it.  You may run from it, but you will never change it.  The beauty that lies in each of us is the beauty of knowing why you were created and then walking in it.  Don't let another day go by and not give thought to these words.  There are battles to be won, and I want to be on the front lines fighting for everyone to discover their own destiny.  I can feel a release of old thoughts, old views and  mindsets.  I can see clearly what is coming and I desire each of you to be there with me seeing as clear as I do.  You have the ability to do this, now it is time to let desire rule the day.  Vision, truth, and destiny are one and the same.  You know, from the deepest part of your being, what you desire to do and now it is time to take the first step.  I am here to help you along your journey if you desire that.  Never doubt, never fear, and know that the days ahead of you will be better than you have ever imagined them to be.  Until we meet again, be blessed and be bold.

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