Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On the wings of eagles.

I was outside yesterday morning cleaning things up after the storm we had, and as I was looking up at the beautiful sunny blue sky a magnificent creature was floating along.  I have only seen a live eagle flying a few times in my life and to see one in Portland Maine was, well lets put it this way, it was amazing.  The grace it displayed as it was moving with the wind was something that stirred me and I was reminded of the majesty of this beautiful, symbolic bird.

I tend to think about spiritual things when something like this happens, as seeing an eagle is not something that I would call common place.  I knew there was something I was supposed to pick up on with this sighting so I went right to the Internet to look up the significance of an eagle and just what this sign meant, as I believe we see things to teach us or at least to get us to see something that we need to see. Needless to say, what I read was just what I needed in the moment and so I share with you now some insight that just might help you along in your journey to your destiny.

It is said that when an eagle appears, especially in nature, one is being asked to go deeper into their spiritual journey.  Spirit is telling you to take what you know, what you believe, what you feel, and take it to the next level.  Those things that have been germinating for however long are now ready to reap a harvest and your part is to make it happen, or as a minimum take the first step. Taking action on the things you see, your visions, is part of your destiny.  I will tell you that I have been trying to figure out what my next step is, and try as I might, I have been frozen in time and space.  I was wrapped up in all the things that I wanted to do, that I was doing very little.  Now let me say, I have done a lot.  I continue to write and blog, and I am putting together plans for a foundation that is designed to help others discover their destiny and provide them the resources to walk in that destiny.
But wrapped around the wagon wheel I was and I needed a sign to get me heading back in the right direction.

 To Native Americans the eagle represents the "Great Spirit", whose power is there to take you onto new "vistas of perception" and to new dimensions.  When one sees an eagle it is an invitation to look at things with "new eyes", a new point of view so to speak.  The eagle possesses exceptional vision and represents mastery of timing and accuracy.  I would say that most people fail because they have not paid attention to the right timing of something.

Ina Woolcott, a noted Shamanist writer said this: "From eagle we learn that life looks different from an aerial perspective.  We need to take a new view on the challenges in our lives, If we don't readily find solutions it may be because our vision is too limited to see the solutions that are so glaringly obvious."  She goes on to say, "Tying in with this thread of thought, one of the lessons to be learned from eagle is not to depend exclusively on intellectual solutions.  Through its connection to the air element, eagle is connected to intelligence, but also to Spirit, the knowing that goes far beyond intellect."  

I have said this many times before, but it bears repeating, if you neglect the spiritual element of life then you are going to make huge mistakes.  The Creator is never going to put you into a position that you are not equipped to handle.  I know there are occasions when we fill woefully inadequate and wonder what we should do next.  This is human, but as I have said before being human does not mean we merely depend on past human conditioning.  Seek out a deeper understanding of who you are spiritually.  There are so many things that you have at your disposal, but until you discover them they are about as worthless as teats on a bore hog.

If you have found yourself wandering aimlessly about, maybe it is time to seek some spiritual guidance.  I have found over the last few years that what I once thought was spirituality was nothing more than man's conditioning.  It wasn't until I took the blinders off that I began to see things differently and in this new understanding have begun to see a world that is completely different then the one that most modern day churches and faiths have been proclaiming for generations.  I am not saying that what they have taught is bad, what I am saying is that there is so much more out there, and the "more" that I am talking about is a deeper understanding of why you are here and what you are supposed to be doing with your life.

We can soar with the eagles, but only after we have come to a knowledge of who and what we are.  People only fail because they lack a faith or belief in what they are supposed to do.  Once you discover what you are supposed to do it is almost impossible to fail because you will have seen the truth in who and what you are, and the truth will set you free to be just that, who and what you are.  It is time to soar and fly on the wings of eagles.  Join me and together we will take in a new panoramic view of the greatest of life and the beauty of your calling.

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