Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Life is a thrill ride, scary, but oh so exhilarating

Yes, life can seem like a roller coaster ride every now and again.  You start out scared to all get out and half way through it you begin to feel a little excited, almost invigorated, and when it's just about over you are wanting to do it all over again.  Funny how something so frightening at first turns out to be something that you desire to do again.

Well such is life to a large extent, but the key is to experience it, learn from it, and then tackle it with everything inside of you.  I love roller coasters, well the steel ones, you won't catch me on a wooden one.  I will admit that my stomach jumps into my throat as I am about to go over the first drop, but like so many, half-way through the ride I realize the excitement and I would probably put myself through that initial fear again just to experience the thrill once more.  Here in lies the problem that most people have in regards to stepping out into those things that they know they want, those things they know they need, and those things that they know are for them:  they let that initial drop, or the fear of it, keep them off the ride.  Stepping out into your destiny is really nothing more than accepting it, conquering the fear, and then experiencing the exhilaration of having done something that others have been afraid or unwilling to do.

It's time for true confessions.  I deal with fear just like everyone else.  It has kicked my ass more times then I would like to admit, and try as I might to get ahead of it, I find myself right back on that roller coaster getting ready to go over that initial drop.  I have let fear dictate my actions.  I have let fear dictate my beliefs, and I have allowed fear to almost sidetrack me to the point where I was willing to give everything up.  I still deal with an element of fear today, but I try to keep it in check, and I have learned that fear will only conquer me when I give up on my dreams and visions.  There is a big difference between fear and caution.  There are people who will show great caution in doing something, not because they are afraid, but because they don't want to fail or screw things up.  But even though there are differences between fear and caution, it is a very fine line, and knowing how to effectively display caution can mean the difference between success and failure.

There is one thing you have to understand, fear and worry never did anything to make a problem situation go away.  If anything, all it does is extend that period of time that you are having to deal with the lousy situation.  Trust me I have allowed fear and worry to side track me and if I could have a "Do Over" I would gladly take one.  I have learned over the years that if you are going to make a move simply make it and don't let others talk you out of it.  Your destiny is laid out in front of you not to scare you but to excite you.  Your destiny is an awful lot like that roller coaster that drops you down, shoots you around in circles and upside down, but when it's all done, you are back at your starting point safe and sound and wanting to take on the next challenge.

Life is a series of thrill rides.  You are never quite sure what to expect.  Those who have taken the ride before you can give you their perspective, but it is nothing like experiencing it for yourself.  If one is ever going to understand their own destiny, then one has to begin walking in it.  There will be people who will want to give you their two cents, but that is what it is worth, just about two cents.  These are the very same people who refuse to get on the ride because they have allowed fear to grip them, but yet they feel they can give you the guidance you need.  If someone is offering you advice on what you should do make sure they are doing what they were created to do.  If you take advice from others who haven't the foggiest notion of their own destiny then you have no one to blame but yourself when things go to hell.

I have had people tell me that I would never amount to anything in life.  For a long time I believed them, and in that belief I was destined to stay off anything that even remotely resembled what in my heart I knew I should be doing.  Please don't let someone who does not have the bravery to step out into their own destiny, dictate to you what you should be doing with yours.

Yes life can be like a thrill ride, but when its all said and done, you will be so glad that you decided to get on board, strap yourself in, and experience the thrill of doing something that others run from.  There will be times when your heart will be pounding and the adrenaline will be flowing, but those are the times when you know you have taken action.  Those will be the times when you know you will have stood up to the fear.  Those will be the time when you can say to yourself lets do it again.

It is time to believe in those things that are in your heart.  It is time to face the challenge.  It is time to get on board and realize that the fear that may have gripped you in the past can no longer bind you.  Oh yes the ride will be thrilling, but the thrill of the ride will never compare to the thrill of you stepping out into your destiny and sharing who you are with the rest of the world.  If you need more words of encouragement please reach out to me.  Together we will unleash the magic that is inside of your heart for others to benefit from.

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