Monday, February 17, 2014

When all you want to do is scream, take a deep breath and know this to shall pass.
OK, moment of truth, who hasn't been in a place where you just wanted to scream and say enough is enough?  If you think you haven't or if you're unwilling to admit it, then shame on you.  Face it, life sucks sometimes and as humans we are never going to be immune to the ups and downs of life.  Denying that you are faced with issues is not going to make them go away.  The key to getting through these occurrences is to step back, take that deep breath and realize that you now have an opportunity to prove the bastards wrong.

I know first hand how trying life can be at times and truth be told I have been one of the loudest screamers on the face of the earth.  I have literally cried myself to sleep some nights, praying that I would not wake up the next morning because this at least would stop the pain and torment I was feeling.  I wish I could explain to each of you why you go through some of the things you have had to go through, but we are as different and individual as each snowflake, and what I am is not what you are, and what I might do, you can't.  That being said there are a few things that I might recommend, and if you are brave enough, maybe you will decide that you can try these out.

First off, and I know you may vomit having to hear this from me again, but the things we go through are learning opportunities and given the chance to learn something is never a losing proposition. It is only when you refuse to pick up on these lessons that you are doomed to have to go through them time and time again.  What I need you to realize is that those things that may be happening to you are not happening because you are being punished for something.  We have a tendency to think that we are cursed or destined to walk around in perpetual turmoil because of past sins or failures.  That is a load of crap that man has conditioned us to believe, but it could not be further from the truth.  If you can come to the realization that things happen for a reason then you are one step closer to understanding that good can come from all of it even as you are waste high in crap.  We have allowed man to make us feel as though we are less deserving because of things that may have happened in the past, or because we may have fouled up a time or two.  This is nothing more than self-destruction if you allow yourself to think this way.  God is not up there just waiting to strike you down for past faults, that isn't the nature of God and you need to forget all the mind control that religious zealots have tried to push down your throat over the years.

Secondly, and this may be more important than the first point:  you are strong enough to endure all the  trials and pit falls that life may throw at you.  People have a tendency to hide what they are really feeling for fear that it may give off the wrong impression to those around us who may get a different view of us if they see we are struggling.  Screw those people, and forget about them.  They are never going to be on your side so why loose sleep over what they may say or think.  If you are hurting tell someone.  If you need answers then ask the questions.  If you are tired of the grindstone, then ask for assistance from those around you who know you best.  If you think you are going to get through life with no help from others then you are an idiot.  We can't do it alone, nor should you want to try.  Heck, if I am in the middle of a struggle I would rather have others there with me to help then try to do it all by myself.  Don't be foolish and let your pride stop you from getting help from those who are on your side and pulling for you.

Last, but certainly not least, and I need you to really hear what I am about to say.  If you are unable to see yourself as a success, if you cannot feel the joy of something even before it has come to fruition, then you will never experience it, period, end of story, case closed.  You must set the intention and you must believe that those things you have dreamt about, thought about, and longed for, will come to pass.  I'm not saying there may not be a delay from time to time, but if you are unable to see yourself doing those things that you were created to do, you will never get there, let alone get out of the starting blocks.  I have waited years to get to the point I am now at in my life, and had I not believed that what I had churning inside of me was my destiny, I would not be walking in it now.  If you were completely honest with yourself, I think you would have to admit that you know what you should be doing with your life, but as of yet have not taken the steps required to get there. Well my friends, it is time to get off your butts and begin to believe with all of your being that you are good enough to have what you desire.

I encourage you to spend some time in quiet meditation and ask a simple question:  Am I happy?  Is there more to this thing we call life and how can I get to the place that I desire more than anything?   Your destiny is just waiting for you to discover it and you owe it to humanity to spend some time figuring out what that destiny is.  I cannot go a day without thinking about destiny nor how important it is to me to walk in my destiny.  Believe you me, you will get to the same point when you know that you have no choice but to walk in your destiny.  I know this because I could not live if I knew I could no longer talk, write, or excite people about their destiny.  It is everything I am and it is the only thing that I want to do the rest of my life.  Each of you have this same thing, and each of you will have to decide whether you will pick it up or not.  It is your choice, but I highly recommend you make the right choice.  If you want to talk about it, you know how to get in touch me. I am there to assist and together we will get you started on your journey.

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