Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Let it all hang out: why I believe the way I believe Part I 
I was watching the news the other day, something that tends to send my blood pressure up a few notches, so I try to limit myself to just a very tiny bit each day.  I was watching some coverage on the recently passed law in Arizona which was enacted to protect one's religious rights.  Needless to say I, like many other citizens, find this legislation mind numbing to say the least, and in my estimation borders on absolute intolerance and lunacy.

However, just in case you may get the idea that today's blog is going to be about this law, let me let you in on a little secret, it will not be.  What this law did was get me thinking, and you have to know that when I get thinking about stuff, then I am forced to share it with you and others, and since this is my chosen platform in which to share my thoughts and beliefs, you get to see it before anyone else.

First and foremost I am not religious in the slightest.  As a matter of fact I despise organized religion more than you could imagine.  I think the modern day church has done more to harm then you could ever imagine.  Don't get me wrong, I think there is some good that can and does come from churches.  That being said I think there is an awful lot of garbage that comes out as well.  They are so great at telling what you cannot do, and never quite get around to telling you why you are here.  I dare say that they have so gotten away from knowing the true nature of God, that if Spirit ever came down to sit with them they would not recognize nor be able to have an intelligent conversation with the Creator of the Universe.  I am however a deeply spiritual person and I believe that there is more to God then the churches have ever let you know about, but then again that is their way of keeping you under their control.

The first thing one has to realize is that you are a spiritual being.  You are as much of a spiritual being as you are a human being.  You have certain traits and mannerisms that you inherited from your parents.  In like manner you have inherited certain spiritual traits that come from your creator.  You may not be aware of them but that doesn't mean they are not there.  Just as it is physically impossible to separate you from what your parents gave you, looks, mannerisms, genetics, it is equally impossible to separate yourself from what God gave you.  Whether you want to acknowledge it or not you are in fact a spiritual being first, with the same traits as the spirit that created you.  Man has done a pretty good job over the millenniums of making us forget this, but we are in a spiritual awakening and it would do you well to pick up on a few things.  Spirituality is a part of your everyday life, problem is, many people have discounted it, but that is because they don't understand it.  Many of the churches today have so blackened the eye of spirituality, in large measure because to truly know who and what you are would take away much of the control they have tried to exert over people for far too many years.

Over the next few days, and who knows, maybe even weeks, I want to share with you some thoughts, that just might change the way you look at things, and in so doing, may change a few things that have seemed mired down because of what others have made you believe.  We as spiritual beings are connected to the rest of the Universal Consciousness.  Now before you go running out of the room calling me crazy, hear what I am about to say.  If you have siblings, then you will understand that no matter what the situation, you will always be connected because you have the same parents, therefore you have the same blood running through your veins.  You may have been separated from your siblings due to divorce or similar situation, but that does not mean you are still not kin.  If you were created by God then you must also be inseparable with the other creations that Spirit created.  If you believe that God is perfection, then how could anything other than perfection come from God?  The simple answer is, it could not.  Now I am not saying we are perfect in what we do, but we are perfect in our design.  The key is to come to an understanding of that design, and begin to fully walk in it.

God or Spirit, or however you want to identify with the Creator of the Universe, knows nothing of lack, or sickness, or depression, or any other malady that exist in our tiny little minds.  These are all things that have been conjured up by man, because quite frankly men of thousands of years ago gave up on knowing who and what they were and somehow fell into a place of complacency.  You see it is easier to go with the flow then it is to rock the boat and maybe get people to see things a little differently.  I have fought and fought with myself as to whether I would try to tackle this subject because quite frankly it scares many people, and even more so, it is totally misunderstood.  You can thank the conditioning of man for the misunderstanding.

I have just gotten to the point in my life where I will no longer beat around the bushes.  If what I write over the next few days disagrees with you, well that is something I am going to have to risk, but I cannot move forward in what is planned for me, if I am unwilling to let it all hang out.  I hope you will stick with me over the next few days and maybe you might learn something about yourself that will answer many of the questions you have been having, but as of yet have not received the answers.

We are remarkable creatures, we just need to get to the point where we realize who and what we are and forget about the limits that man has placed on us.  Spirit never intended for us to be struggling the way many of you struggle and if I can help you out of those traps, well good for me, but better for you.  Hold on to your horses because the next few days will change you in a very powerful way.

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