Monday, February 24, 2014

Easy does it.
Easy does it there cowboy! Hey girl, give it a rest!  Will you just relax for a minute? I think we as humans have a tendency to jump into high gear at a moments notice and never seem to leave it or let up.  We travel at warp speed throughout our life and there are times when I think we should just slow down and maybe enjoy what you have in the moment.  When I lived in England I learned first hand that slowing down a little bit during the day made for a much happier life.  The Brits would stop for tea every afternoon at two.  They would take 30 to 45 minutes to sip their tea and just chat about the day.  To this day I enjoy my tea, but I enjoy my time of relaxation as well, if for no other reason then to realize that life is too short to be going full tilt at all times.

What I want you to discover today is a simple truth:  just because you may not be going at things all the time, at maximum warp, doesn't mean you will never get to your desired destination.  Have you ever given thought to the premise that maybe you should just relax and smell the roses for a short period of time?  There are so many things going on around you, that if you took the time to notice just might answer some of the nagging questions that have been floating around your head for years. We have been conditioned as mortals to think that if we are not going after something, not building our empires, not conquering new worlds, that somehow we have failed and will never get our just rewards.  Now I am not saying that one should not work hard and try to accomplish something, what I am saying is that the work you are doing can sometimes get overshadowed by the stress you are creating because of the unrealistic expectations you are putting on yourself.  Rome was not built in a day, and your empire can wait for a bit so you can enjoy some of the wonders of this life.

When is the last time you sat quietly and just reflected on all the good that you have in your life?  Your husband or wife, your kids, your job, or your friends?  When is the last time you just sat outside on a nice warm sunny day and observed nature?  We can learn a lot from nature, and yet it is something that so few people ever look at and try to learn from.  SLOW DOWN and understand that what is going to happen will happen and there isn't a lot of choice in the matter.  Here comes the broken record, but I have to say it: you will never change what has already happened, you have no idea what is in store for you tomorrow, so why not just enjoy today for what it is?  If you are never able to live in the moment, then you will always be striving for that gold ring and it will always be just a little out of your reach.  If you cannot appreciate what you have right now, then quite frankly your life must really suck.

I have spent the better part of my life going after things and the driving force behind that was a feeling that I was not happy, not content, not able to enjoy the things that I already had.  If you are unable to find happiness in the place you are at right now, it really doesn't matter what may lie ahead. You will always want just a little more, you will always want something a little bit better, and you will never be satisfied with what you currently have.  Once again, if you fall into this category your life must really suck.  SLOW DOWN and realize that life is a journey, it is not a sprint, it is a marathon and you need to pace yourself, and for crying out loud, enjoy every minute of every day.

I have seen people on the proverbial treadmill, it is like that little mouse on the wheel in its cage.  They can run and run, and yet they never get anywhere.  Is this the way you want to live the rest of your life? Is going from one crisis to another the way you pictured things growing up?  I've seen people so driven to achieve their goals, that nothing else in life matters and then they miss out on some of the simplest, yet most meaningful things that one could ever imagine.  SLOW DOWN and smell the coffee, better yet why not enjoy a coffee with a friend and just relax and realize that there is more to life then just being a juggernaut never really knowing where you are going, but being content because there is forward momentum.  There is nothing wrong with having a plan, but when that plan is holding you captive, never providing alternatives or sidebars, then you will end up with a real mess on your hands.

The reason we need sleep is to rejuvenate the body.  A body that is deprived of needed rest will ultimately destroy itself.  A person who is all the time "go, go, go" is going to deprive themselves of much needed rest and the opportunity to see things in a different light.  Do yourself a favor and relax. Let go of those things that tell you that you have to do this or do that.  Let go of those situations that box you into a certain way of doing something.  You can deviate from plans and still be successful in the end.  When one is so entrenched in doing something a certain way and not providing themselves with a means of self-expression, the end result will never be what it could have been.

Remember, time is an illusion.  Time isn't real and the only constraints that time has on us, are those constraints that we put on ourselves.  If you are worried that you will not have the time to realize your destiny, then you have fallen into one of the biggest traps that man's conditioning has set out for you. If you believe in destiny, then you must also believe that time is never something you have to worry about.  Hear me now:  time is not something to worry about.  Your destiny will manifest at the appointed time and in the way that it was orchestrated to manifest.  All the worrying, all the strife, all the doubt is not going to speed up your entry into walking in your destiny one second sooner then it has been designed to happen.  Stop worrying about time, and start enjoying what you have right now.

It is time to let go of expectations, and I mean unrealistic expectations, and just enjoy the process of getting to where you need to be.  Life should be enjoyable, full of love and happiness, but in the absence of this, ones life will suck.  It is time to let go of the constraints of time and simply live in the moment and enjoy those moments of rest, relaxation, and contentment.  If you will do this, then you will see changes, and those changes will be better then you ever imagined them to be.  Until next time, enjoy what you have and don't worry about the things that you don't have, after all a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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