Saturday, February 22, 2014

To be or not to be, that is the question.
To be or not to be, now that is a question for the ages.  As is my routine I generally spend the last hour or so before falling asleep, snuggled up in my warn comfy bed, reading and preparing for what is hopefully a restful nights sleep.  Last night I began re-reading a wonderful book by one of my favorite writers, Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I came across a section that got me thinking, and when I start thinking I always look at things just a little differently, and I guess I am at a point in my life where different is a good thing.  I am also at a point in my life where I have come to a crossroad.  I began asking myself a series of questions.  What do I want, when do I want it, and am I willing to make the changes necessary to see these changes come to fruition?

I have had a roller coaster style life these last few years.  I have seen both the highs and lows of life.  I have doubted, when things got to me, and I have felt the joy of knowing just what to do next.  I have spent more hours, days, weeks, and months trying to figure out where do I fit in, and more importantly, am I being honest with myself and those around me, with what I believe to be my destiny?  The simple answer is yes.  I know my destiny, and I know why I have been put here on this earth.  The one thing that I do not have an answer to yet is, how is all this going to play out?  I certainly have ideas, thoughts, dreams and visions.  I know what I desire to do, how I desire to do it, and for whom I desire to do it.  There is not a single hour of my awake time that I do not think about walking in my destiny.  As much as I have written about destiny over the last three or four years, I still find it difficult to put into words the overwhelming joy I feel when I think about this part of my life.  But no, I don't know exactly how it will play out, and that is fine.  I simply have to be willing to put out the effort and let God be God.

Have you ever had one of those dreams at night that when you wake up you really are not sure if it was a dream or if it was real?  I often have to pinch myself to make sure that I am awake when it comes to my destiny and me walking in it.  I can think of nothing else I would rather be doing right now.  If I had to travel 52 weeks a years talking to groups of people about destiny, paying the bill myself and never making a penny, I would still make the trips.  That is the depth of my calling and that is the absolute degree to which I am committed to helping others discover and walk in their own destiny.  Notice I said "their own" destiny.  Destiny is not something that you borrow from someone else, destiny is not something that you replicate from someone, and destiny isn't something that is going to be a "flavor of the week".  Your destiny is why you were created and destiny is what you are supposed to be doing.  It has taken me years to accept my destiny.  I saw signs of it over thirty years ago, and it has taken me all that time to get to this point right now.  I have laughed over the last thirty years and boy oh boy have I shed some tears as well.  I have run from my destiny and I have also held on with bulldog tenacity to what I believe to be my calling, even when others have called me nuts and crazy.

Sadly, there are people all around who will never walk in their destiny, let alone discover what it is.  My one desire is that you will finally get to the point in your life where you will accept that you are deserving of walking in your destiny and that nothing else matters.  Believe it or not you can walk in your destiny and still have those things that are important to you, family, relationships, and careers.  I think that many people feel it is an "either or" proposition.  You can only have this if you give up that.  This is such faulty thinking.  Why would the Creator of the Universe have you do something and give up other things that are equally important to you in life?  Once again the simple answer is Spirit would not do this.

To be or not to be, yes this is the question you will need to answer, and only you can answer it.  Will you accept the calling on your life, or will you walk away from it?  Will you take the time to really figure out what you desire to do, or will you continue on doing what has always been done and simply accept things as they are right now?  Will you finally acknowledge that there is more to life then simply getting up on a Monday morning and heading to a job you hate that provides you nothing more than a means to pay your bills?  Trust me, I have been there, and I would give anything to help you escape this prison that so many people find themselves in.

Destiny is not something you must create, rather, destiny is something that you must accept.  Your destiny was created the moment you were created, and quite frankly it was the reason you were born. I wish I could convey to you the depth of my desire for you to discover and begin to walk in your destiny.  I wish I could snap my finger and every living, breathing human being walking around today would be completely aware of, and walking in their True Destiny.  Think of the changes that would be taking place in the world.  Think of the issues that would no longer be issues because the cause of those terrible things would have withered up and gone away.  We could irradiate poverty, illiteracy, and yes, even war.

If ever there was a time for you to look deeper into yourself, now is that time.  If you are looking for the true meaning of life, then I might suggest you begin with why you are here, and why now.  I cannot make you take this journey, but I will tell you that you do not have to take it on alone.  Life will challenge you, but along the way, you will discover the true meaning of your existence, and when you do, your life will change in ways you have never thought or even believed.

It is time for you to decide will you be the person you were born to be, or will you continue just living one day at a time always hoping for more?  I am here to assist, all you need to do is ask.  Until the next time, peace and joy to you.

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