Thursday, December 29, 2011

True Destiny, If life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

What a difference a day makes, yesterday we were in the 50's and today, well let's just say not a beach day. Having lived in Maine for the past twenty plus years there is one constant, that being the changing weather from day to day. I am so ready for warmer climate, and god willing and the creek don't rise, I will be heading south by the end of April. So God if you are listening, please assist me in my efforts to move to a warmer climate.
I was trying to figure out what to write today, and as is the case from time to time I do get writer's block. Well writer's block may not be the correct description, as I do not see myself as a "Writer" in it's truest sense. I liken myself more as a motivator and sometimes story teller, but a story teller with a purpose. What that purpose is seems to change from day to day with the subject matter that I write about. There is however a common thread in my writing. That thread is my desire to see everyone doing what they were born to do and doing it with all the vigor and inspiration I can give. Hence the book "True Destiny". For those who have been around me for a while our conversations will undoubtedly always migrate their way to destiny and helping others discover what it is they were destined to accomplish. That being said, I have come to a place in my own life where I am about to head in a different direction. Now just in case you think I have decided to depart from the Destiny message, rest assured that is not the case. On the contrary, I am about to launch into what is sure to be an amazing journey.
But enough about me, let's talk about you!! What makes you tick? What puts a smile on your face each day? If you could be doing anything right now that would make you happy what would that one thing be? Lots of questions, problem is most people don't have the answers. Answers that will change the direction of your life. Now before we go any farther let me say this; don't be afraid of directional changes. There are times in each life where we need to make a course direction change. We can get trapped into the daily grind, and that daily grind is what keeps us in a place that we aren't supposed to be in. People as you know will resist change. Change is not a bad thing. Here's the problem, people will only change when the position they are currently in becomes so uncomfortable that change is the only solution. I have been in that place many times in the past and there is no doubt in my mind that I will be in that place again sometime in the future. Don't fear change and don't run from it. Embrace it, embrace it with everything in you. Sure there is uncertainty, but lets face it, life is uncertain at best anyway.
We have to get to a point where we look at our talents and gifts and realize we have them for a reason. Why waste your talent on a job that you hate? If you get up on a monday morning and are headed to your place of employment and all you can think about how quick you want Friday to get here, my guess is you aren't in the right place. If on the other hand, you can't wait to get to the office, you would work there whether or not you got payed, well maybe just maybe you are in the right place. We all want job satisfaction. We all want to feel as though we make a difference. We all need to know that what we do will ultimately make this a better world to live in. As a famous actor once said "There are no small roles, just small actors." It doesn't matter what your role in life is, it only matters that you are doing what you were destined to do. At that point in time money, position won't matter to you in the slightest. When you are in the middle of doing what you love doing, you can't even begin to think about doing anything else. If on the other hand you are thinking about doing something else, well you can bet your sweet bippy, you should probably be doing something else. Seems simple doesn't it? How good would life be if you got up each money happy to be heading to work? How good would life be if you had the opportunity to share with others the joy you feel about the job you have? How good would life be if just once you knew you were doing what it is you were born to do? Maybe it's time to ask yourself some of these simple questions, and keep quiet long enough to hear some of the answers. Many time the answers are right in front of us, but we don't want to see or hear them. Why you ask? Because once we know we are doing something we're not supposed to be doing, we then have to decide what we are going to do with this new found knowledge. Remember people hate change, and even more than that people do not like to admit when things aren't perfect. Maybe it's time to accept the fact that perfection will only come when you are in the place you were destined to be in. Take some time to look at your current situation and ask some simple questions. We all want to be happy, and if happiness is not dripping from you 24/7 maybe that is an indication that there needs to be some change in what you are doing. Think about it........

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