Wednesday, December 28, 2011

True Destiny, If life is a Journey, why go oit alone?

As the year end is fast approaching most everyone is looking back on the past year, some with regrets, some with cheers, and others with who knows what. No matter what the previous year brought to you we now take a look at the future and with hope and high expectations, and wanting the best for each of us. I like the new year because just like the fresh morning dew on a spring day, each new year brings new possibilities and opportunities. What each of us do with these new opportunities is entirely up to us. I have known many people in my time and without exception they almost always look ahead and dream of a better time than the previous year. Without exception hoping to accomplish some of the things that went undone the previous year. Without exception acknowledging lost opportunities the previous year with a vow that they won't let the same thing happen again this upcoming year. And yes it is that time of year to make the coveted New Year's Resolution that so easily falls to the wayside earlier and earlier each passing year. Oh yes we have good intentions, but good intentions and $2.79 will get you a large cup of coffee at Dunkin donuts. I think it's time we forget about the resolutions and just put our efforts into reaching for the stars and doing what is necessary to achieve some of the goals we have set for ourselves. Goals mind you that until may have seemed out of reach, but goals none-the-less that we still carry deep in our hearts.
I was thinking about some of the things I wanted to accomplish over the past 12 months and I had to come to the conclusion that I was a failure at most of them. Now failure not as a person, but failure that I managed to avoid making some tough decisions that may have put me in a far better place than I am right now. Now I must say that I really don't have many regrets over the last year. Oh sure I wish the Patriots had won the Superbowl and that the Red Socks hadn't self destructed at the close of the season. But then again, I have grown very used to the latter so no big surprise there. My regrets are small compared to the many I hear people speaking about. I was having drinks with a friend last night and we began talking about Destiny, yea big surprise there huh? I think he was taken back a bit by my passion for destiny and my desire that everyone walk in their destiny. What amazed him most I think was the fact that I don't just speak about this, I truly believe what I say. Given the opportunity to speak to thousands about walking in their destiny is something that I have held in my heart for some time and I can finally say that the time has come to do just that. I should have done this a year ago, but no unlike so many other people facing decisions in life, I let fear control my choices and regrettably made the wrong choice. Not that all is lost, but that is nine months of my life that I will never get back. But just in case you think me a failure for not making the right choice, I did learn some valuable lessons during the past nine months and for that I will be very very grateful.
One of the things that surprises me most in life is the person who has never really taken the time to think about their goals and dreams. They have been so conditioned to accept what has been placed in front of them, and they do not have the ability to move past the present and into the future. Most of our futures look very different from our presents. Problem is most people can't get away from the present because of fear or just not knowing what it is they are really supposed to be doing. Let's face it, not knowing what you are supposed to be doing is a terrible place to be and I liken it to Hell on earth. Have you ever wondered why you seem anxious and antsy at times? Ever wonder why you always seem to be a little out of sorts or unsure of what tomorrow will bring? Ever wonder why things just seem to be a little out of whack and you can't quite get into the grove of things? These are key indicators that you just might be out of place, or the place you are in isn't the right fit for your personality and calling. We have all been in jobs that were not the right ones. We have all been in situations where we ask ourselves how did we get here. We have all been in that haze of uncertainty and doubt. Here's the good news, you don't have to stay there. Will the journey out of this malaise be easy? Well sometimes yes and sometimes no. I guess the answer to that question rest completely on your shoulders. Yes there are people who can help you out of this mess, but you have to ask for the help. Remember you don't have to do it alone, and once again why would you want to go it alone.
I had an Oprah "Ah Ha" moment the other day. It came to me and I was somewhat surprised but it answered a lot of questions about my past 12 months and I hope it will answer some questions that you may have been having over the past year. Too many times in our lives we try to fit a square peg into a round hole. We think we are doing what it is we are supposed to be doing but the fit really isnt's there. We need to have a perfect fit, and least you feel like you will never get there don't fret. That is what destiny is all about. When you are finally walk in in your destiny there are no more square pegs in round holes. The fit is perfect like a fine tailor made suit. Look at it this way: when you buy a suit off the rack there is always a bit of tailoring that has to take place. It's a good suit, but it's not the best. When you have a suit that is hand made for you it fits like a glove. The same can be said about your chosen profession. When you accept something that is not really you, sure it will work for a while but eventually you will run out of steam and you will not obtain total success. On the other hand, when you are walking in your destiny, then the job is perfect because you are perfect for the job and then life is great.
As we enter 2012 make the determination that you will begin to walk in your destiny. Sure there will be obstcles to this. Some will be harder to get around then others, but you have the ability to get around them. Don't let the next year come to an end and we are having this very same conversation. Believe you me I am talking to me as much as I am talking to you. Each new day that comes in the upcoming year will present new opportunity and possibilities. Your goal is to take advantage of all that presents itself to you. Think about it.......

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