Wednesday, October 26, 2011

True Destiny, If life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

As we creep ever closer to winter here in Maine, our mornings are darker, and evenings are colder. We see less and less daylight and with that comes the realization that the seasons are changing and hence we prepare for a long cold stretch. That being said, I do love this time of year more than any other. Now it could be because the NFL is in full force right now. It could also be the crisp fall air, changing leaves, and less yard work is something I really enjoy. I liken the change in seasons with the changes that many of us work through on a routine basis. Things in life very rarely stay the same forever. Sure there are things that will always be there; the love for family and friends, the desire to be all we can be, and the desire to walk in our destiny. Destiny is what all of us should be walking toward. Destiny is what lies within each of us, because there are things we should be doing. Destiny is who we are, and not necessarily what we do from day to day. Let's face it, many people are working in jobs that they have no reason to be in. It's not that they are not trained for what they are doing, rather they are not happy with their current position because it does not fulfill them in ways that another job might fulfill them.
I was at a networking event last night and spoke to an individual who after nearly 20 years of working in a profession that he was good at, he made the determination that this was not what made him happy and he left the field and went into a field he had always dreamt of. I was so excited to speak with him because you could see it in his eyes that he was doing what made him happy, and nothing else really mattered. How many of us today can say we are doing what really makes us happy? I have said it before and yet it bears repeating, if you get up on a Monday morning, look at your work week, and all you can think about is that you wished it were Friday already, chances are you are in the wrong field. If I had a dollar for every time I heard a comment like that, I would not need to win the Powereball tonight. Don't get me wrong, I still would like to win the Powerball, but truth be told, the vast majority of people working today are not working because they want to but rather because they have to. Now we all have to work, well most people have to work. But what we don't have to do is work in a field where we are miserable and unfulfilled. I think we have come to a point in our life where true happiness is not measured by the size of our paycheck, but by the joy our current job brings to us, and in return we bring joy to others.
I have worked and worked and worked for so many years, I can't even imagine not working in the future. I have had jobs that I have loved, and I have had jobs that I have completely hated. I have had jobs that I was the best in the field, and jobs that have left me humbled and wondering what in the world am I doing. Through all of my many job choices I have determined what the common thread was, and now that common thread is what directs me to do what I do now. As a young Air Force Recruiter many years ago I would ask the young men and women who were interested in joining the Air Force what they wanted to do. I would tell them forget about training, forget about education, forget about money. If they could do anything in the world that would make them happy, what would they be doing? Now quite often they would look at me like a dear trapped in the headlights of an approaching car. Could it be that no-one had ever asked them this question before? Could it be that they had never thought of it before? Could it be that they were too embarrassed to give me an answer for fear I would laugh or belittle their desires? No matter what scenario one falls into we should all be able to answer this question. What is it you want to do? Not what you feel trapped in doing. Not what you think others expect of you. Not taking any job because it's the only job available. Stop the madness!!!! We need to accept what is deep inside us, and realize that it is there for a reason.
There is nothing worse in life than feeling trapped with no escape possible. The constant pressure of feeling empty, uninspired, and other wise a complete failure. I have seen people fail at jobs, not because they weren't good, but because they had no reason being in that position. It's like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. We were created for a specific purpose, and determining that purpose should be at the forefront of your mind at all times. Anything less than this is only hurting you in the long run and ultimately will cause frustration and dread. There are things that I still want to do in life, and I will not stop until I have at least tried to complete what is inside of me to complete.
Let today be the first day of your discovery of the destiny that resides in you. Let the happiness that comes with knowing you are in the right place at the right time. Let joy overtake you because you love what you do so much, it should be illegal to have so much fun. Let confidence overflow your every move because you know you better than anyone and you know what is in your heart. You have all you need to be who you are supposed to be. Take the first step, and don't worry if you get knocked back a few steps. We will always face difficult times, but difficult times are easier to handle when you know you are in the right place at the right time. Think about it.....

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