Monday, November 29, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

One holiday down and two to go. I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving, and that you are all looking forward to the next month of festivities that are sure to fill your calendar in the days ahead. I for one have been in a very contemplative mood over the last few weeks. It's not that life has taken that much of a different course from the usual, but there are times when we just take pause to think things through and try to grasp the nature of things to come. For those that know me, I am a visionary. I see big things, and although that is good from time to time it can also cause tremendous anxiety. I have in my heart the desire to see everyone walk in their destiny. When I speak of destiny I am talking about those things that people have buried deep in their heart, and given the chance to walk in it would do it in a tinker's minute. Have you ever wanted something so bad in your life and somehow you just can't think of how to get there or how to do what it is that you want to do? It doesn't matter what life has thrown at you, or how impossible situations may seem, deep down in your being you know you are supposed to be doing something, and that something is leading toward your destiny.

It is this destiny that I want to walk in, and it's that destiny that I desire each of you to walk fully in. I am an extremely emotional person. Compassion should be my middle name. I love to people watch. Put me in the middle of a mall with my cup of Earl Gray tea with 8 Splenda and I am a happy camper. I will look at someone and wonder what phase of life they are in and are they were they want to be, planned to be, or hoped to be. Has life been good to them, or have they fallen victim to the many hazards of every day Life? I can't explain the desire inside of me to help others find their destiny and be what they were intended to be from the moment of their birth. I think my anxiety level rises when I feel I am not equipped to take on such a huge challenge, and yet the desire inside of me is something that cannot be quenched. Now I have many talents, and no I am not bragging by any stretch of the imagination. I just know that I have the ability to motivate people through my speech, and unlike so many others, have the gift of gab. I can remember many many years ago laying in bed one night crying out to God to know what it is that I was good at. I was always told that everyone is good at something. The key to life is figuring out what that something is and move on it. I was never the best athlete. I wasn't the smartest kid in school, although I am fairly intelligent, but that is a story for another day. Suffice it to say that being overly intelligent is not always a great thing, especially when coupled with a critical/judgmental attitude. It has taken me years to overcome that fault. During this brief but heart felt conversation with God, I finally figured out that my greatest talent was that of an orator. I love to captivate an audience with my words, and love to inspire others. Inspiration can move mountains, and many people are facing mountains when it comes to accomplishing what is in their heart. If I had a dollar for every tear I have shed over the last twenty years while feeling alone, left out, unappreciated, untalented, I could wipe out the federal deficit. I have known low periods in my life, I wish I could say different, but that wouldn't be my style. I have thought about suicide, and I know I am not the only one to have done this. One of the toughest parts about life is wanting to do something and not knowing how to get it done or even how to start doing it. It creates feelings of worthlessness and you feel as though you are the only person on the face of the earth having these feelings. It is a terrible place to be and one that I hope I never have to navigate again. If you are in this place right now, and many are, don't give up hope and know there are people out there ready and able to lend a helping hand. Sometimes a simple request for help is all you have to do to get the assistance you need.

Let me leave you with this final thought for the day; the sun will rise again tomorrow! There will be days when the sun may be behind clouds and we can't see it, but rest assured it is out there. Simply because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. We have faith that the sun will shine tomorrow, it is the same faith that says you will walk in your destiny. When times come where you are doubting your existence, your abilities, your gifting, remember that the sun will rise again tomorrow. You can't stop it, can't really explain it, but you know it will happen. That my friend is destiny, I can't stop mine, you can't stop yours. Remember, If life is a journey, why go it alone? Think about it......

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