Wednesday, November 24, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

I will be taking the next couple of days off for the Thanksgiving Holiday, so today will be my Thanksgiving Blog. I guess it is customary to talk about all the things that we are thankful for, after all that is what this holiday is all about. I really don't want to bore you with all the details in my life. Suffice it to say I am thankful for so much, and will continue to think about them not only tomorrow but every day of the year.

I was laying in bed last night trying to come up with a clever song like the Night before Christmas. You know twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house....well you get the point. Unfortunately my song writing ability, especially at two in the morning, lacks a little something. Tomorrow is indeed one of my favorite holidays because I get to Christmas up my house and for the next 30 or so days surround myself with the Christmas spirit, peace on earth goodwill toward men. I would like to think that most of us have that spirit throughout the entire year, but there are some real scrooges out there, and we all know a few. But today is a day to reflect on the many blessings each of us have, and how important they are to us. I remember growing up in upstate New York and how much I looked forward to watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on television. I have wanted to see it live and yet have never made the trek to NYC to do it. Maybe I will have the opportunity some day. Anyway Thanksgiving at out house was always a big deal, and later on in life it was a time that my family would have a house full of friends over to enjoy a great meal and just relax and be together.

No matter what your plans are for tomorrow reach out to those you love and let them know you are thankful to have them in your life and that their presence in your life is what makes life count. We are creatures that need the personal connect time with others. WE may say we like our solitude from time to time, I know I do, but on a day like this family is what is most important. Your contact my come in the form of a phone call or maybe just a text to an old friend or acquaintance. Whatever your mode of communication reach out and share your love with them and tell them how grateful you are to have them in your life. When it's all said and done, those relationships are worth more than all the money and riches in this world. I would rather be penniless and have true friends and loved ones, then have all the money in the world and be alone and not knowing true love.

I want to extend my best wishes to each of you for what is sure to be a great holiday season. May this year bring answers to prayer, opportunities to those who are in need, and love that is so unmeasured you can hardly believe it. Reach out to those who are in need of a special touch and give them the best part of you, your love and understanding. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving and I will be back here on Monday, full from my meal and all the leftovers, and eager to bring more words of wisdom, understanding, and love.

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