Thursday, November 18, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It has been quite the roller coaster ride for me these last few days. I thought it might have been caused by something I ate, but after some quiet reflection I determined that I was just going through another growth spurt. I once thought that change was the only constant in the universe; that was up until a few days ago and added to that constant list was uncertainty. We all have periods of uncertainty in our lives, me included. I'd like to think that I am fairly level headed and sure of my abilities and desires. However, these last few days I have gone through the ringer to say the least. Some of the things that I was sure were true and non-changing all of a sudden became unclear and lacked focus. I 'm writing this today to let you know that you're not alone in your struggles. We all have struggles that need to be looked at daily and there are days when you just can't seem to get started and before you know it you're behind in the race and the finish line seems like an eternity away. If you are going through a period such as this you're in good company.

We all have periods in our life when times are tough, and we don't have a clear picture of where things are going. It's during these times that we need to reach out to those special people in our lives who have proven themselves to be trustworthy and reliable and seek out wise council and advice. I have often said that life is a journey and there is no reason to go it alone. During troubled times it gives one comfort to know that there are people out there who care for you and love you and only want the best for you. Talk to them and get the help they offer. I'm also prone to say that the only shame is when you dismiss the help being offered or don't ask for help when it's really needed. No one has ever reached the top of their field or career without the help of others. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others will all tell you that they had help, and lots of it. I would like to think that I never let pride get in the way of seeking out help when I really needed it. Oh sure there have been times when I wanted to prove something to myself and took on a challenge all alone. There have also been times when the challenge was far bigger than expected and I had to accept help from others. Getting the help you need is not a shortcoming, far from it. Asking for help is a sign of maturity. Any idiot can try to do it all alone, and then sit down and cry when things don't go according to plan or fall apart in front of their eyes.

I encourage each of you to look back on situations in your life and see if seeking out assistance from others wouldn't have made things a little easier, and dare I say a little more fun. After all life should be filled with joy and happiness, not dread and torment. Albeit that latter seems to be prevalent in so many lives today. There are no simple answers to some of life's more difficult questions. Things are not always as they seem and having a second set of eyes to look at that situation may be the smartest thing you have ever done. What's the old saying "we can't see the forest because of the trees"? There are times that we are so close to a situation that we can't see the solution. That second set of eyes can often provide a different perspective, and that is all we need at times to move ahead with plan of attack. Trust me when I tell you that I have been in more precarious situations than I would like to admit. Now many of them come at my own hand because of stupid decisions I made or my failure to heed the advice of wise friends and loved ones. I have never been much of the type to admit stubbornness, but it does run in the family. Take a hint from me, don't be stubborn and don't neglect the advise of others when offered. You don't need to take every bit of advise you get, but you should at least listen to it.

As you go through your day know that times will get better and sometimes they will get worse. It all depends on where you are on your journey called life. Never forget that life's trials and tribulations are great character builders and when it's all said and done you will walk victorious if you don't loose heart. Think about it.......

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