Wednesday, November 17, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's a typical Wednesday, well as typical as things can get in this crazy world. I was pondering a few of life's mysteries this morning, well pondering may not be the right adjective. As a matter of fact not sure I was even thinking about a mystery. Most of you have heard the term "Love is blind". Now there are several things that come to mind when I hear this statement. First, and this is in no particular order of priority, you love an ugly person. Now I'm not trying to be mean, but lets face it there are some less than beautiful people walking the planet. But with that said I also believe that there is someone for everyone and the chemistry between any two people is not up to me, but rather the power of the universe. Second, when we love we are sometimes blind to our own shortcomings or those of the person we love. I would Love to think that I have few if any shortcomings, but those that know me, know this not to be the case. I am flawed just like every other human being walking the planet. Difference is, I can admit my faults, unlike many people I know. Third, we forget about other issues when we are in love, because that love takes center stage, and the rest of the world is almost suspended in time, in what seems like suspended animation. We aren't really worried about other things, and the little trivial issues that used to stop us in our tracks seem pale in comparison to the love we feel for someone else.

Why am I writing about love today? That's a good question, and I hope to give you a good answer as soon as I can come up with one. I just happen to be in one of those moods where I feel like waxing eloquent. Well maybe I'm just in one of those moods. I think love is the glue that binds all things together, good, bad, or indifferent. You can not survive this life without love in your life. I don't care who you are, how good you think you are, or how much you have or want to accomplish. Nothing can be accomplished without the loving support of others. If you think it possible to exist without love, you are redunkalas. Let's see spell checker get that word right HaHa. We are creatures with feelings. Those feelings are what motivate us to do certain things. You can bet your sweet bippy, love can cause us to do certain things that we never thought possible. We've all heard the stories of moms who have displayed super human strength when their child was in a precarious situation. We become tongue tied when that special person walks up to us and instead of coming forth with an articulate statement we mumble and look like an idiot. First impressions can kill, I think in this case a "Do Over" is very warranted. Love causes so many feelings. There are times when we are lost in love, and the other problems we had seem to not exist. On the Other side of the coin, there are times that unrequited love can send us into a tail spin and even getting up in the morning is a challenge and a major task. Where ever you fall on the spectrum of love you will have to manage your situation. I am of the opinion that this emotion or feeling called love, has to be the deepest, most troublesome feeling there is. It can bring joy, happiness, and peace. It can also cause hurt, pain, and suffering. How can one thing hit so many different emotions, and in the end, we still want love and go after it with everything inside of us.

I have loved many people, but I have only been in love with a few. There is a huge difference between loving someone or something and being in love. It is hard to explain, and many on the other side of your love are also trying to figure out what you are doing at any given moment. Wouldn't it be great if we could get through this life not requiring love? All the trouble that love causes would never be an issue, and we could just go through life like a mindless robot. Come to think of it, I think I would rather take my chances on love and see what happens. I can not imagine a time in my life where I haven't benefited from the love of others, not felt a time when I haven't wanted to give my love to someone else. I am one who needs love in my life, if for no other reason that it gives me reason to get up every morning and do what I do.

If you are questioning the wisdom of love and how to either get it or get rid of it in your life, you are not alone. We all question love daily. Some ask why they don't have it, while others ask how did they get themselves into this mess. There are a million possibilities when it comes to love, and which one you will fall into is entirely up to you. Let me leave you with this one thought; we all need love. You may say you don't, but you do. Nothing in this world will ever make me believe otherwise. You may run from love, and others may run from your love. You may discover love in the most unexpected places, and from the least expected person. True love will find you whether you want it to or not. Open yourself up to the possibilities and let love fill you from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Love has changed lives. Love has toppled empires, and created kingdoms. Love, as I said before, is the glue that binds. Don't turn off your love receptors, and prepare yourself to receive all that you want and deserve.

Think about it......

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