Monday, November 15, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Another new week is upon us and we get to do things all over again. I had an interesting weekend and thought I might give you a birds eye view of it this morning. I had to make a few difficult decisions the last few weeks. Many of them had been churning inside me for quite some time and others were made as the opportunity presented itself, or in some instances didn't present themselves. Decisions are something that each of us face on a daily basis. Some as easy as what do I have for breakfast this morning? Others, well let's just say they take a little more thought then emptying a packet of oatmeal in a bowl, adding water, and throwing it into the microwave. Well deciding on which flavor is sometimes painful, but I digress. As I was saying I have had to come to some conclusions over the last few weeks and days. Some of my decisions have been "Life Changing", and I do not use that term lightly. Some of these decisions had been put off because I didn't want to face them, others were put off simply because they lacked the priority of others. Trust me when I say I prefer the simple decisions over the more difficult ones, often which lead to sleepless nights and loss of appetite.

It's not really necessary to spell out what these decisions are; somethings are better left unspoken. Suffice it to say I had hoped to dodge many of these decisions for a longer period of time, but alas they had to be looked at, so as I have often said "In for a penny, in for a pound". A dear friend of mine has warned me about using so many quirky sayings, but I love them, and often they describe what I am feeling or going through better then I could ever say, so use them I will. As I was saying, I had to make a series of decisions that not only affected me but others who are very close to me, and it would also impact their life as well as mine. Let me give you a little insight; when things only involve me, I will jump in with both feet and not worry about the consequences. However, when any decision affects others I am very careful to look at all the possibilities and will do whatever I can to limit any bad reaction my decision may have. Too many times people will jump to conclusions with a knee jerk reaction, not really taking time to see how their decision will affect others. This may be laziness on their part, or just an attitude that they don't care and are going to do what they want others be dammed.

Most decisions are laced with uncertainty. That uncertainty is there because there's an equal amount of fear in regards to the situations we face. If I take this road will it get me to my final destination? If I do this will that happen? If I don't do something will I ever get out of this mess? There is a myriad of things we face on a daily basis that has uncertainty wrapped all around it. I'd like to think that I have the ability to face this uncertainty, but I am no different than anyone else and often those feelings of doubt creep into my mind as well.

So to make a long story even longer, I had to make some decisions this past week. Decisions concerning relationships and love, career, and do I use crunchy peanut butter verses smooth in my famous peanut butter cookies. That last one was pretty simple, but a decision none-the-less. Like a lot of people I throw in some humor when I am in a difficult situation, breaks the tension, and sometimes you really need to break the tension don't you know? Oh if only life were as easy as deciding smooth verses crunchy. Anyone who says it is, is either walking around with their head buried in the sand, or so detached from reality that they believe that Santa is not real. I dare you to fight me on that one lol!!!

I am not one to take making a decision lightly especially when it affects others. I would no more hurt someone on purpose then walk into a bank with a loaded gun shouting "put your hands up and give me all your money. " I just don't function that way, and people's feelings will always enter into the equation. Well at least for me they do, for others I'm not so certain. Decisions have consequences, and those consequences can lead to all sorts of surprising situations.

As you begin your week, look at all the good in your life and build on it. If situations change, then you can decide what to do. Seek out wise council if needed, and accept it when offered. Some decisions require the help of others so take them up on their offer. Believe that you have the ability to make the tough decisions. Believe what is in your heart, and know that the things in our heart will never lead us astray. You can do this!

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