Friday, November 12, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Today is a day of new beginnings for you, for me, for everyone. Life has a way of keeping us down with all the stuff we deal with on a daily basis. Often we start out the day with high hopes and enthusiasm and by the end of the work day, we are anything but enthusiastic. Our dreams have been beat down, hopes have been crushed, and we have nothing left to fight with. Does any of this sound familiar? Well if it does, you're not alone. Each day we are faced with constant pressures to be something we are not. Pressure to be everything to everyone. Pressure to conform to a certain image, that you never wanted nor sought out. I wish I could tell you that I am immune to these issues, but I deal with them just like everyone else. The key to all this is simple; don't fall prey to it. The time has come to be who you are, not what others think you should be. Why is it the other people spend so much time trying to get you to change, and yet so little time considering changing themselves. Oh I get it, they are all set, so might as well help others in need. They try to make the whole world see the small sliver in your eye all the while not looking at the huge log protruding out of their eyes.

Now none of us are perfect. We all have faults, and truth be told, we always will. They key is too improve a little each day and tell the rest of the world to back off. Your ability to adapt is going to be different from someone else's ability. There is no cookie cutter which says we all have to handle situations the same way. Hell, the way some people act in different situations scares the daylights out of me. Now I am no angel, I have my moments where if I could throw my fist through a wall or destroy something I would. As lovable as I seem in my writing, I do have a temper and there are times when it gets the better of me. There you have it, I am human after all. No comments from the peanut gallery please. I get angry and sometimes display that anger in an inappropriate manner, so sue me. I would rather admit the obvious verses look like an idiot and deny the truth. I spent so many years burying my feelings and not being allowed to display them, that now I don't want to bottle them up. Please know that I too have issues. When faced with a difficult situation or the possibility of conflict I go straight to my happy place. Well not sure it is all that happy, but it is what I know. I internalize everything, and that often drives people nuts. It's like the time that you want to have this drag out fight with your wife, husband, partner, significant other, and they walk away and refuse to engage in the battle. Well, this only makes you more angry and determined to go for your pound of flesh. I get it, and I am guilty of it as well. I hate conflict so will run from it. I am learning now how to handle it, but it has been a slow process and I still have room for improvement.

I am having to come to grips with how I am and what I want to be. I am not one to take a compliment, and there are many of you out there in the same boat. Someone will tell you you're good looking, and you blow it off. Someone will tell you that you have great abilities and as much as you want to believe them there is something that won't allow it. I have learned that I have to love myself before I can truly love others. If you take only one thing from this blog today know this; you're good enough, faults and everything. Give yourself some credit, and see if it doesn't start to change the way you look at things. We all have gifts and talents, and those gifts are there to give to others. Don't be stingy, others need what you have and you need to be able to give freely to them. One person can change the world, why not believe that you are that one person. Greatness is not what you do, but who you are and what is inside your heart. It is time to release the greatness that resides inside of you and watch others benefit from it.

One final thought for today. When times become difficult, and you know they will be from time to time, know that you have everything you need to be the person you want to be. Yes it may be buried beneath layers of hurt and unhappiness, but it is there, and all it needs is a little help being brought out. That's where friends and loved ones come in. They want the best for you and they are just chomping at the bit to help you out when you are ready to receive that help. Today is a day of new beginnings, take what is yours and know that you are worthy of it. Think about it.........

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