Thursday, November 11, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Today we remember all those who have served so proudly and with unselfish determination to keep our great country free and safe from those who would harm us. To each veteran of our prior and current wars and conflicts I extend a heart felt thank you. To those who have given what President Lincoln called "The last full measure of devotion" I stand and salute each one of you. Our nation owes you a debt of gratitude that words can not adequately describe.

Having spent a career in the United States Air Force I can tell you that we as a nation have the greatest military in the world. I am and will forever be thankful for the time I was privileged to give to our country. The pride I have for what each Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, and Coast guardsmen do for our nation is indescribable. I remember my time in the Air Force like it was yesterday. We were not serving because we made a lot of money, rather we served to be a part of something that was bigger than ourselves. We served to help complete and successfully accomplish the mission of the United States Air Force. Each member of our military serves for that very purpose today. They stand guard at duty post thousands of miles away from family and loved ones. They sacrifice time away from family and loved ones in order to protect each citizen of this country and offer safety to other nations in need of our strength and determination.

My daughter just posted this on her face book page this morning. "A Veteran is someone, who at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to, and including, their life. That is beyond honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact!!" I could not have said it better my self and it has touched my heart. I can not put into words the honor I feel having served our nation, nor the thanks that I have for all the other men and women who have served and are currently serving. God help the individual who utters a negative word about these great men and women. I will personally kick their ass. Strong words, but never ever talk bad about a veteran or someone currently serving in our Armed Forces. Until you have been in their shoes facing death and uncertainty, you have no right to bad mouth them. Each time I hear of the death of one of our military members I am sad and will say a quiet thank you for their sacrifice. I would hope that this would be the feeling of every other American as well. Let me be blunt and if this offends you, well tough. If you can't support those in uniform get the hell out of my country. The sacrafices these great men and women have given, allow you the freedom to think and say anything you want. That is what being an American means. How dare you soil their deaths and service with your moronic attitudes. Suffice it to say you don't want to open your mouth around me and utter these words. The result will nothing short of a total "smack down" being applied to your person. Ok enough on that note.

We must show support and respect to those who serve. We must remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to our nation. Failure to show proper respect is a sin, and those who have given will never be forgotten and their deaths will not have been in vain. I stand up for every veteran and I am proud to be in this special group of individuals. I thank them for their service and I will forever be grateful for what they have done for our country. God Bless each veteran this day and may God continue to bless this great nation of ours.


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