Tuesday, November 9, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Today is a great day!! I took my five cleansing breaths this morning, have my cup of hot tea, and I am now ready to take on the day. I really have no idea what the day has in store for me, but then again not overly concerned about it either. As I have traveled this journey called life I have come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter what I have planned for any given day, more often than not those plans change and most of the time they change for the better. As the eternal optimist I look at each day as an opportunity to speak into some one's life, and hopefully make a difference for them.

I was taking some time the last few days to do some heavy soul searching, trying to figure out a few things that have been dogging me for the last few weeks. Situation being what it was, I thought it a good time to take the time to get my head on straight and make some tough decisions about my future and what I wanted that future to look like. If you're like me, I hate change. I've come to expect it, but hate it none-the-less. We all have those moments when clarity just seems to be out of our reach. Clarity of mind, clarity of purpose. We tend to get nervous and a little unsettled. I wish we could just get past these moments, but then how fun would life be without them? I for one am prepared to live without that excitement for a while, who else is with me on that one? Anyhow, I was doing some thinking and while I was escaping into my own little world, I had an epiphany. It wasn't one of those earth shaking moments, and yet it was more than just a feeling. That moment in time when you know that something is about to take place but you can't quite put your finger on it. That time when the nervous tinges are ever present and you can't quite figure out what is causing it. Could be the one too many cups of coffee or tea from the morning; or maybe just nervous energy that comes with decision making. Especially when you are not looking forward to making that decision.

My epiphany was this; I am what I am, and it's okay to be who I am. I have faults just like every other person walking the planet. I have good days and bad. I want the best for everyone and absolutely detest people who think they are better then others. I once thought it was a weakness to be so sentimental and emotional. I am tender hearted, but don't think you can walk all over me. If you think that's the case I can assure you that the results you expect will be vastly different then the ones you experience. I can be hard nosed and immovable when I want to be, I think people call that stubbornness!! I get that from my father's side of the family.

We all have to get to a point where we are comfortable in our own skin. I can never truly love someone else until I can love me for me. Trust me it has taken me many many years to get to this point. We all have things about us that we don't like. If you had straight hair growing up you wanted curly. If you were short, you wanted to be tall, thin you wanted to be bigger. We can all find things we want to change, but change for the sake of being something your not, that is a huge waste of time. Like who you are, and what you do. There is something special about you, whether you see it or not. We all have the capacity to be more than we give ourselves credit. It's time to dig deep and determine that what you have to offer has value and there are people out there who need what you have to give.

One last thought; don't settle for second best. Don't give up on a dream or goal simply because you feel you can't accomplish it. Life is never going to be without its ups and downs. Life is going to be filled with setbacks and discouragement. How we handle those setbacks is what creates our character. Do yourself a favor and forget about past failures and look to all the good things that will be springing up from you in the future. The future is bright so put on your sun glasses and head toward the light. In the end you will be on that mountain top proclaiming you made it and grinning from ear to ear. Think about it.....

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