Wednesday, June 23, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

As I ponder my future I am overcome with feelings of excitement, happiness, and yes even a little nervousness. One can not look to the future and not wonder what will come into play and what will ultimately win out. If you believe in True Destiny, and you know I do, you can't help but be excited about what lies ahead because you know you will be in the right place at the right time, doing what it is you have been destined to do your whole life. The question you have to ask yourself is do you believe this? If you don't well you need to start examining why not. If you do believe this, well all I can say is "Good on you".

Destiny is not something you pick, it picks you. We all have something inside of us that we are supposed to do. For some it is vast and big, for others it may just be the simple things in life. There is no measuring stick when it comes to one's destiny. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and I made a statement that if everyone on the face of the earth was walking in their true destiny, there would be near perfection in the world. His comment was that if all people walked in their destiny who would be doing some of the less stellar jobs, like housekeeping, garbage collector, etc. What makes you think that there are not people in this world who want to be housekeepers and Garbage collectors. Their personality and desire to be of service to others is just as important as any other profession, Doctor, Lawyer, etc. We have to get away from titles and trust that people are doing a job because it is more of a vocation than just a job. Not let me stop here and say one thing. There is evil in the world, there's no getting around that. But at the same time evil can be overcome by good, and that is something we just have to have faith in. Imagine if all the prisoners in our jails and prisons had managed to figure out what their true purpose in life was. If before they chose to break the law they instead did what was deep within them, maybe just maybe we wouldn't have the over crowded jails and prisons. Now I know there are some of you out there who feel that I live in a fantasy world, but no matter how you cut it, if one is happy and productive, crime or the thought of committing a crime will very rarely come into the picture. Wouldn't it be great if we could turn back the hands of time and be able to swoop down just before the commitment of a crime and freeze time and talk to the perpetrator and put them on the right course of life. Yea I know, I'm as crazy as a Shit House Rat, but my belief structure can see it no other way. How different would people's lives be if someone took the time to speak to their potential, show a little compassion and understanding, and really share their life's experiences with others.

True Destiny is a knowing that no matter what life throws at you; no matter how difficult your situation is; and no matter what other's think, you will get to the top of the mountain and cry victory. I have been so down and out on my luck in the past, that if it wasn't for bad luck I would have had no luck at all. I have been close to bankruptcy, out of work, down to my last dollar, and I still had to look to the future and know that things were going to work out. Did I want to quit, oh yea. Have there been times in my life when it seemed that I would be better off assuming room temperature and let all the pain and suffering stop. The answer to that is yes. But even during my most difficult periods I knew I had a destiny, and I was going to walk in that destiny. I know that I know that I know, that I will have an impact on other's lives. I was put on this earth to speak life and not death, to inspire and not reject, and to equip and not break down. I choose to believe that the best years are still ahead of me. I know that lots of people will benefit from my words, and the exciting part about that is that they in turn will be of benefit to others who are also in a difficult place.

I want the best for everyone, and everyone should want the best for themselves and those they love and consider friends. It's time to think about what makes you tick and head toward the high calling. I don't care who you are, there is something inside all of us that is calling to each of us to accomplish something in this life. The question is, Will you take the time to figure out what that something is? Life can be grand, and at times it can really suck, but when it is all said and done, what side of the coin will you be on? It's time to ask some tough questions of yourself and it's time to be honest with yourself. I know it may be difficult to do, but it is something that has to come first. True Destiny, isn't it time you figure yours out? Think about it...........

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