Tuesday, June 22, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's another day, and most of us are getting up to do the same old thing again. Ever get the feeling that life will never change and you are going to be stuck in the same old job forever? I must admit that I have felt that very same thing several times during my life. Oh the drudgery of getting up on a Monday and wishing it were Friday. I have had those very same thoughts and to be blunt it sucks. I have gotten to the point in my life were making tons of money is not the motivation I need. I would much rather have a position that allows me to have a sense of accomplishment for having made a difference in some one's life. I've said before I've been rich and I've been poor and rich is better. But when it all comes down to it, rich is not better if you hate your job, Life, surroundings and what not. Give me a challenge of helping someone obtain the job of their dreams, and I will flourish. I've worked for companies where profit was the bottom line, and you never felt fulfilled because it wasn't your money, and you really weren't benefiting for all the effort you put forth. I was having a conversation with a very wise man the other day, my father, and we talked about the change in Corporate America. Most companies have lost touch and have failed to realize that the most important asset that any company has is the people who work there. It's not the products they produce, it's not the service they provide, and it's not the bottom of the spread sheet. It is the employees who have given of themselves to help the company prosper. If we do not fundamentally change the way companies view their employees then we are heading down a path were there will be no recovery and all will be lost.

I am so amazed when I see companies who have made a ton of money, the company is sold, the owners take the profits from the sale and leave the old employees holding nothing. Wait a minute, weren't these the same employees who through their sweat and determination helped to make the company successful? Weren't these the same employees who sacrificed so that the company could get through the tough times? Weren't these the same employees who gave up their time off to come in and make sure the job was done right? You've got to have a screw loose not to realize that these same hard workers are the one who have been shut out of the proceeds and wondering what the hell just happened. I am so tired of the corporate greed that exist in the world today. Now don't get me wrong, I am a capitalist and I believe in free markets, but what we are talking about here has nothing to do with the free market system. It has everything to do with remembering those who helped you get where you are at and giving credit where credit is do. I love the comment from some employers that they appreciate their workers and they show it each week when the paychecks go out. That my friends is nothing more than horse shit. The paychecks that come out are for the work the employees did for you, they earned it. What I'm talking about is the special things you might consider doing for an employee. What about a weekend away with a loved one fully paid by the company, or dinner out on the company, or simply a note of thanks with a gift box or something like that. If you want your employees to do more, then you have to do more also and not just fall back on the same position that I give them a paycheck. Don't be a fool, if it weren't for them there would be no revenue generated, you wouldn't be able to cut a paycheck and therefore you wouldn't have a company. Such cut the double talk and do what is right.

So why am I going on this tirade this morning? I have seen this happen so many times lately and quite frankly I am growing weary of the whole thing. If I can single handily fix one company at a time that is what I am going to do. It's time we put our money where our mouth is. Either you appreciate the efforts of all the people who work with you or you don't. There is no middle ground. Hell look at the compensation that some of these Corporate CEO's are making. The BP CEO took home over six million dollars last year. Gee I wonder how that makes the minimum wage earner feel. Did that person who made $25,000.00 last year give any less effort than the CEO, probably not. Now I know the CEO has far more responsibility, but responsibility and effort are two different things. Let's reward our employees for their work ethic. After all a good sound work ethic goes hand in hand with productivity and profits, and isn't that what most companies are looking for.

So think about this; next time you are trying to decide what is best for your company, why not ask what is best for my employees. I dare say that if you fix this the rest will fall in line and the value of your company will be greater than you could ever imagine.

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