Monday, June 21, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Well it's the first day of Summer and what can I say about the weather we have had thus far this year. Compared to last year this has been paradise. As I look to the upcoming summer months I am so excited about the possibilities that abound for me, and for each of you. I was taking some time the other day to do some much needed soul searching. This is a practice I have done for many years. Just taking a few days to be alone and think about what I want to do with my life and what I hope will come to me in the future. It is something that I recommend everyone do from time to time. Life has a way of getting in the way from time to time, and there are times when we just need to take a step back, look at where we are at and where we want to go. What's the old saying, we sometimes can't see the forest because of all the trees. Well the same can be said about life since there are times when life over powers us and we get into a position that makes us say "what's the use?". " I might as well just give up", as opposed to fighting all the battles. I have known people in my life who have given up and if they had just stayed in the battle a little longer victory would have come to them. Now that is sometimes easier said then done, but you just can't give up on yourself, especially when you know there is something inside of you that has to come out.

I talk about True Destiny a lot, duh look at the title of my book. But we all have a destiny and we just need to take the time to figure out what that destiny is. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and he made an interesting comment. He said that if everyone in this world was doing what they were supposed to be doing and being happy he could not see how that would benefit anyone and didn't think we could survive. Well let me tell you, I could not let that one go unchallenged. Think about it, if you were doing the job or vocation that you were intended to do what would life be like for you? Let me guess, happy, fulfilled, over pouring with excitement and joy. Doesn't seem like that is such a bad thing. You might not be making the money that you always dreamt of, but then again is money really the motivator here. I have had jobs that have paid me a ton of money and yet I was the most miserable person walking the planet. I hear people talk about dreams and they make it sound like it is the end of the world if everyone accomplished their dreams. If you believe in Destiny, then you have to also believe in a divine plan that was mapped out long before you and I. The world would be a much better place if everyone was doing what they were destined to do. I can't believe for a minute that our prison are filled with inmates who were destined to be there. Now they are there because they did something that warranted it, but that was not their destiny. They just chose a different path, albeit, not a smart one. But if each prisoner was able to turn back the hands of time and be what they were born to be, there would not be a need for the ever expanding prison system. I know that I have been accused of being an idealist, but I can't be any other way. We just have to get to the point where getting to the right place is the only thing that matters. If you were in the job that you were destined to be in do you really think that we would have all the problems that we see in the world today. Think about it, marriages would be stronger, children would have the proper guidance and feelings of worth. Crime would be lowered and on and on and on.

Do I think that the world can be solved overnight, not a Snow Balls chance in Hell. But I do believe that if I can get someone to sit down take an inventory of themselves, know where they are at,where they are going, and what they want to really do when they grow up, then I think we just might have a chance to right the ship. Folks it's time to realize that most of us are not doing what we were destined to do. So so many people are trapped in positions they do not want, do not like, and regrettably do not know how to get out of. Just Imagine if everyone was doing what they wanted. I think just maybe we might see life just a little differently. Now I know I will hear "You can't do just what you want!" My response is, Why Not? Since when does anyone have a patent on life. Doing what you want doesn't mean throwing caution to the wind, telling your employer to go screw themselves, and just dropping everything to go to the beach. No far from it, if you are working in an area where your passion is pouring out, you aren't even thinking about skipping out of work to do something else, because work is no longer work, it is a vocation. I could go on for days talking about this, but that might just bore you and I need material for another day. For today just do me one favor, look inside of yourself and ask some simple questions; are you happy doing what you are doing? Do you seeing yourself doing this job for the next thirty years? Do you feel as though you make a difference? And finally, do you want more out of life? When you can answers those questions honestly come talk to me and lets take a journey to find your destiny. It is out there, we just may need to dig it up from under piles of garbage. Don't give up and don't give in. You will find your destiny, and when you do, life will change forever. Now think about that.........

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