Thursday, June 17, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

As I sit down this morning to write I think about the many obstacles we face on any given day. Some of them as simple as how many sugars in my coffee or tea, others more difficult and thought inspiring. But no matter what obstacles we run into, how you get past them is entirely up to you. I have been faced with many difficult situations in my life, and there are times when I just want to turn around and high tail it for the hills in the hopes that my problems will just disappear behind me. Oh if only life were that simple. I have come to the conclusion in my life that running away from life's problems is never the answer, and ultimately you will still need to face them no matter how long you put off the inevitable. I have often told people that how one handles success is equally as important as how we handle our failures or tough times. There are no magical words that we can speak to make a bad situation go away. If it were possible to do that I would patent the recipe and be rich beyond my dreams. Alas we often have to face our issues head on, sometimes alone and sometimes with the help of others, but face them we must.

Now I have told you before that I avoid confrontation at all cost. Not because I am afraid of confrontation but more often than not it does no good to confront someone who is unwilling to admit they may be wrong, or may have done something to hurt. Let's face it, those that like to hurt with actions or words are not likely to be open to criticism or confrontation. Now we all know people who live to cause hate and discontent, there is one in every family, just in case you were wondering. There are others still, who hate anyone who seems to have more than them or has something good happen to them. It may be jealousy or envy, but how ever you look at it they are simply mean spirited people who want it all for nothing. I love it when I hear that something great has happened to a close friend or associate. Do I wish that good things always happened to me, of course I do, I'm only human after all, but I also love it when someone who has fought the good fight, gets to the finish line first, or gets the gold medal so to speak. I love hearing about the underdog being victorious in the things they do. Not only does it bring a smile to my face, but gives me hope that my attempts to accomplish my goals will not be for naught. We need to cherish every victory, and learn from our defeats. We need to recognize that not everyone is going to succeed, but even more importantly not everyone is going to fail. I know what side of the equation I want to be on, what about you?

So let's get back to obstacles, and developing a belief that they are not insurmountable, and do not have to mean that life is over. There's no denying that life is a challenge every single day, but those challenges also build character and with each success comes a renewed vigor to accomplish other things. We need to look at these situations as an opportunity to grow and learn. Yea, not what you wanted to hear, but it had to be said, and hopefully you will listen.

So here's the bottom line; accept the fact that difficulties will arise in life. Times will not always be sunny, and most of all, you can't tackle life's difficulties alone. There are people out there who are willing and able to assist you in most everything. When you find them don't let go, and if you can be one of those types who will put others first, well all I can say is "Bless you". Life is a journey, one that will lead you to your "True Destiny", so do me a favor and forget about doing it by yourself. Take someone along for the ride, and if you have the opportunity, offer your services to someone else who is on their own journey. You will never walk around feeling empty and you just might put a smile on someone's face. Think about that one for a moment..........

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