Tuesday, June 15, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Einstein's theory said "For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction." Well the same can be said about life in general. But then again my father I think put it best, "if it's worth doing it's worth doing right." As I look toward the future, and don't you know that no one can predict it with 100 percent certainty, I have a new understanding of what I have to accomplish. Now I know some people will say it's what I want to accomplish. I would disagree, in my situation it really is what I need to accomplish. If you believe that everyone is born with a purpose, as I do, then you must also believe that there are things that each of us needs to fulfill in this lifetime. Trouble is most people never have the opportunity to discover what that purpose is, let alone accomplish what it is they are suppose to complete.

I believe in passion, no so much from a physical side, although I do believe in that, but rather passion for an idea, vocation, vision, whatever you want to label it as. I equally believe that the average person is drawn to someone who displays that passion. We long to feel the excitement of a situation or opportunity. We gravitate toward the "Just out of Reach" idea. We look toward the future and dream big dreams for things we would love to have, but not sure we will ever get them. No matter how you look at it we all have passion for certain things in our life, trouble is once again, too many people never take the time to discover what they are passionate about, or very regrettably, are afraid to verbalize the dreams they have. If you have a dream, a goal, a desire, don't give up on them. Whether you're 18 or 38, 58, or even 88, we all have unfulfilled dreams in our life. Go after them and never stop until you get there. Is there a chance that you might not make it? Sure there is, but here's the theory again, there's just as good a chance that you will. You see Einstein is not the only smart person in the world.

As you approach this day, open yourself up to new ideas, and the possibility of a new direction in your life. Don't let the fear of the unknown stop you from making the attempt, and for goodness sake don't let some one's doubt and unbelief dictate your actions. I've said it many times in the past, people will take you down to their levels, very rarely are you able to bring them up to yours. Seek out the help that is out there to get you to your rightful place.

And just for the record, Einstein was right, for every action there is an opposite. Just make sure you stay on the right side of this equation, trust me, life is much better that way. Think about it..............

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