Thursday, January 28, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

Too many days since I last posted a blog. Busy, busy , busy, with the new job and all the other things that I have in the mix. But that is no excuse and I now must get back on the bandwagon and do what I do best, stir it up. I love creating a ruckus, not because I'm mean spirited or anything like that. Rather I love to get people thinking and the only way you can do that sometimes is to create an atmosphere where there may be uncertainty or a little discomfort. We all get bogged down in some of life's daily activities, and when that happens we often do not take time to spell the flowers and realize how good life really is. Sure there are times when things aren't going great or in the direction you had hoped. But lets face it, any day where you are walking above the ground is better than a day six feet under. I've recently had to make some difficult decisions that I would rather have put off indefinitely, but putting off never solves the problem, so why not jump in with both feet and get it over with.

My encouragement is in the fact that I am willing to make changes, often changes that I have fought off, but changes that needed to be made. If you are in the midst of making changes or contemplating changes, jump in, the water is fine. I say this having been through numerous changes over the last few years. I have to admit that at first I hated every bit of it, but once the dust settled I am better for having made the changes and quite frankly can't believe it took me so long to do it. Isn't that always the case? We fight it and fight it and fight it, and once it is all said and done we ask ourselves why did I fight this for so long, it isn't that bad. Hind sight is always 20/20.

I was watching the President's State of the Union Speech last night, as I always try to do. I think you need to keep up on what is going on, if you don't what right do you have to complain. Anyway, I liked a lot of what I heard and I hope that we can get our act together and do what is right for this county. I think it is time tht we put aside party politics and do what is right for the American People. There are people out there hurting and distressed. I know that government can't be everything to everyone, but it should be working to make the lives of others better. We have so much talent in this country, isn't it time that we put together the collective minds of all and figure out a way to help those who need it most, and forget about who is in power and who wants to get into power. I know there are two sides to every coin, but it still makes up one coin, and right now the left hand is not even remotely close to the right hand.

So let's figure a way to work together, and if we can't work together throw the bums out and lets start over. This is an idea I have thought about over the last few years.......we all need to tinnk about that.

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