Monday, February 1, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

Wow, every now and then life comes at you so fast you don't know whether you're coming or going. Ever have one of those Mondays when you're just not sure how the week is going to go? It has been a good day thus far, but boy I could use a nap. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I rather like how I feel right now, but I have a feeling that life is going to be busy this week and I know I will need a nice break come Friday. I was talking with a friend this morning, and I wish I could say that things were good for him. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders right now and there isn't anything I wouldn't do to ease his stress and thereby reduce the amount of acid in his stomach. There are just times in every one's life when things aren't going well and you want to escape and just leave all the crap behind you. I have been there more times then I want to admit, but I have come through it and so can you.

I was at lunch with my partner on Sunday, and as is my normal thing to do I was people watching throughout the meal. I love looking at people and trying to get a sense of what they may be like or what they may be going through at this moment in time. I admit that I am a softy when it comes to people and want nothing more than for everyone to have joy, peace, and happiness in life. I know that not everyone will be experiencing these things, but it doesn't make it any less a desire of mine. When I tell you that I hurt when others hurt, well let's just say you can take that to the bank. I guess my compassion is just to close to the surface. I often tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve, and it is hard to get away from them. But truth be told, I never want to get to a point where my emotions are so jaded that seeing a need in people does not generate a feeling of empathy. I look at my friend who is struggling and I would give anything to ease his concern and fears.

I have always rooted for the underdog and love it when I see a success story. I know, I know, what a softy, well I am what I am, and to be quite frank would never want to change. I can't help everyone, but that doesn't mean I don't want to. We are in a time when nothing seems to come easy. We always seem to be swimming up stream and against the current. Most people today are just looking for a short period of rest and tranquility, and don't know how to get there. If I could have any wish, other than world peace, so cliche, but hopeful none-the-less, I would love to see a time when all my friends, loved ones, and acquaintances could just sit back and know that all is good in their domain. Sadly that is not the case, but I would give anything for that to be the case. We have to get to the point when we think more of others than ourselves. I know it is tough when often we are fighting our own battles, but giving of yourself for the betterment of others is a noble effort, and one that will not quickly be forgotten. So reach out to others and give them hope for the future. It doesn't cost a thing and it will change the world one life at a time....think aboout it.......

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