Tuesday, January 19, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

It looks as though Mother Nature is brewing up another batch of snow as I jot down some thoughts this morning. Here's my thought for the day; what ever happened to common courtesies? I am amazed at the self-centered attitude of so many people walking around today. It's as though the world owes them something on a silver platter, and when they don't get what they want they throw a temper tantrum like some little spoiled brat walking around a store with mom and dad.

Now I am very prone to helping people out whenever asked, if I can do it. Now there are times because of my schedule that I have to say no to a request, but will do everything I can to accommodate whenever possible. Now I don't do things because I am looking for anything in return, I do because that is my nature. But what really gets my goat is when you go out of your way to help someone and you don't even get a "Thank You". What planet are these people from who were never taught the most simple of sayings that being"Thanks". Now I know people whose nature it is to expect things, and show no appreciation. I must tell you that it is very difficult for me to want to reach out the hand of friendship to someone like this. On the other hand I know people who are so appreciative it is heart wrenching. It is as though you just gave them the winning lottery ticket. These are the types of people who it is so easy to say yes to because you feel the warmth that emanates from them. I have a hard time ever saying no to these types of people. Now lets turn the scenario around and look at those who expect, and when you don't come through for them pitch a hissy fit. We all know these types and we all pretty much have the same reaction when we see them coming to ask a favor.

But let me ask you a question; is showing simple courtesies so difficult? It must be that if you say thank you you are going to face a firing squad in the morning and so you avoid it at all cost. No wait, maybe you have to give up all your worldly things. How about this one, if you have to say thank you, you give up your right to freedom. It just has to be one of these, because the penalty for saying "Thank You" must be so severe one must fear for their life. Now I know I have the flare for the dramatic, but come on, what is wrong with some people. It's not difficult to be a decent human being and show appreciation. It has zero cost and better yet zero calories. Ok that last statement was my attempt at humor. Something I should shy away from.

So here's the bottom line; simple courtesy is easy, it's free, and it's deserved. If you haven't taken it out for a spin recently why not try it on for size. You may find the fit and the ride agreeable to you and to others as well. Think about it............

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