Saturday, January 16, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

It's a beautiful day here in Maine today. The sun is shinning and temps are a little above average, all together a splendid day in a remarkable state. It is days like this that cause me to pause and count the many blessings that I have in life. I have friends and loved ones who mean more to me than life itself. I have a partner who loves me and is there for me in every sense of the word. I have a destiny that is right there in front of me and I am so excited about the possibilities that exist. And yet even with all this there are emotions that encompass me because so many people are struggling and unsure of the future. It is sobering to see the hoards of people who are desperate for a change, or just a touch of relief from the pressure and uncertainty of these days. What I would give for just a moment of absolute peace on the planet. Now I'm not talking about peace in regards to the various wars and conflicts that are going on at this very moment. We will always have war and conflict in the world. But hey it would be nice if we could have just one moment without war and conflict also. What I am talking about is a peace of mind for all people that all things are right in the world and that the fears and anxiety that so many feel could be wiped away for just a brief moment.

I'm a realist and know that this is not a real possibility, but that does not dampen my desire to see it so. I have friends who always seem to go from one crisis to another and never a period of rest in between. You can see it on their face that they have been worn down by life's pressures and I would give anything to take that away from them. Alas I am only human and quite frankly do not have the ability to take it away from everyone. What I can do is talk to them about the future and that the future can and will bring better times. But truth be told when you have been beaten down by life's trials and tribulations, it is hard to believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel or that the pot of gold really does exist at the end of the rainbow.

My goal in life is pretty simple. I want to speak to as many people as humanly possible about destiny and possibilities and dreams. We are in a time in this world where so many people are looking for the smallest bit of hope in what appears to be a gloomy, dark, and hopeless environment. I am not immune from feeling the same way from time to time, but that's when I have friends, family, and other loved ones to help me out of the muck and mire. It is my desire to be there to help each one of you out of it if that is what you need. It is a great thing to be able to give of yourself in a selfless act of kindness toward another human being, and expect no gain or payback. The things I do for people are not for gain, or notoriety. I do because I feel.

Take some time out of your busy schedule the next few days and stretch out the hand of kindness to someone. It just may put a smile on your face and a warmth in your heart, and at the end of the day that's not a bad thing. Think about it..........

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