Thursday, January 14, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

Having taken the day off yesterday I am ready to hit the ground running today, and as always looking forward to all the possibilites and opportunities that are surrounding me today. I had an interesting meeting yesterday, with a phenominal young lady, who amazed me with her energy and enthusiasm. We met for coffee, I had my customary tea, and we just chatted for almost two hours. It is such a great feeling to meet another kindred spirit, one who is also interested in helping others achieve success and happiness. I often find myself talking about future plans and aspirations and getting so excited I loose track of time and also forget that I am not the only one having the conversation. I must admit that I have tunnel vision when it comes to my book "True Destiny" and what I want to accomplish once the book is published and out in the general public. My excitement exist on so many different levels it is sometimes difficult to put it into words.

During our conversation we talked about my thoughts on the book, and what I hope to accomplish with it's publication and distribution. Now I am a realist, and I know it is difficult for a first time author to get something published and even harder to get it out there for others to read and learn from. But I also believe that I have begun to walk in my destiny and I believe that destiny has a place in all of this. If I didn't believe that way then I just wasted the last few months writing a book that will only sit on a shelf and collect dust. But let's go back to the level of excitement that I am feeling about what is about to take place in my life and why I think that excitement is contagious.

Many of my friends know that I have had this dream for many many many years. I have fallen prey to fears just like everyone else out there from time to time. I have allowed people to talk me out of things that I desired and wanted to do, because they told me I could not accomplish this or that. I finally got to the point in my life where I could no longer sit back and hope that fate would step in and start this company for me. Now I do not know everything there is to know about running a company. But I do know how to surround myself with highly qualified people who can help me through the rocky times of a business start up. I want people working along side of me who share in my vision and because of that will share in the success of this endeavor. In my discussions of yesterday I told Nola that I wanted to bring people on board to my company to make them successful. But I also told her that anyone working with me had better have their replacement in mind from day one. I do not want a stagnant company and if people sit around doing the same thing year after year after year, it will start to stink after a very short period. Now don't misunderstand me. I want people working with me who want to stay with our company for 20 or 30 years, but I also want people to grow with my company and I want them to be responsible for ensuring other peoples successes. If this company is good enough for them to work for then they should want others with equal or better qualifications to work along side them. And let me say this one thing; if you are afraid to hire someone because they are smarter or better than you, then you need to be shot. I want people who are smarter and better than me working with me. I can't do it all, nor do I want too. I need good dependable people working with me at every level of the company. And quite frankly I want the next CEO of my company to be working with me for quite sometime before I turn the reigns of power over to them.

But lets get back to the excitement I feel right now. I am chomping at the bit to get out there in front of a group of people, and I don't care how big or how small the group is, and talk about success and failure, opportunity and possibilities. I want to speak to each person's potential and let them know that I am there to root them on all the way. If you truly beleive that everyone has a destiny, why aren't you doing something to see that they start walking in it. It is time to pay it forward and do what others have done for you. It is time to take a journey and hold on for the ride of your life. And if you join me in efforts I can guarantee you will never be bored and life will take on a whole new meaning. So lets get started and by all means lets have some fun......

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