Tuesday, January 12, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

It's a Tuesday and as Tuesday's go, not a bad day so far. I stepped out on my back porch this morning to take in the cold winter chill to wake up, and clear my head for the day. This is a practice I have done for a long time as it allows me to think, and quite often get many of my inspiring thoughts at that time of the day. Today was just a little strange however. Now I am not one to write about Political or Social issues a lot on my blog. I think for the most part they divide people and that is the last thing that I want to do as I write. But this morning I could not get my mind around the many issues facing people today with the economy, jobless rate, and a basic sense of hopelessness for many people. I must say that I have not been immune to the many issues people are facing today with the downturn of the economy. I would love to say that I am making the same money I made pre 9/11, but I can't. I have seen many a downturn in the economy over the last 40 or so years, but never like this one, and never have I seen people as desperate and uneasy as I do now.

I have also be observing various people over the last few days and when I do this trust me I am not judging them, simply making observations. I try to always give people the benefit of the doubt, sometimes easy to do, sometimes not so easy. I am the type of person who believes there is good in everyone. It's kind of like Luke Skywalker when he knew there was good in Darth Vader, but did not get confirmation of that until Vader's death. But there is good in all people, funning this is, some people never display this in their dealings with other people. Now I can tolerate a lot of things in my life, but the one thing that drives me nuts is rude, inconsiderate people who think the world owes them something because of who there are, or what they have, or because of who they know. Let me say this, we are all humans who deserve the same respect as any other person walking the face of the earth. If you want to get on my bad side, and I don't recommend you do since I can hold a grudge, just be rude to others in my presence and I just might come down with both feet on my chest. Now this may seem like a severe reaction, but rude inconsiderate people deserve to be treated with the same disdain they show to others. I can't stand people who walk around with their nose stuck in the air, looking down at others simply because they feel superior. Walk away from me, no run away from me, if I can find a two by four to smack you with I will.

Now I know that a lot of people are going to wonder why this blog took this turn today. I guess maybe because I have seen actions the last few weeks that drive me nuts, and if they drive me nuts then undoubtedly you may feel the same way. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls we need to give others the same respect we want for ourselves, nothing more and nothing less. We are living in a time where nothing is coming easy for people. Many are facing financial ruin, loosing homes, cars, jobs. Many are at the end of their ropes and sympathy will go along way to helping them survive the current storm. Just put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself how would you be feeling if you were going through some of the same garbage they are going through. I have been through the trying times and I would have given anything to have had someone there to talk to or just put my head on their shoulder and cry a little. Maybe all some of these people need is a knowledge that there are people out there who understand their plight and will stand with them during these difficult times. Take a moment and remember what it was like to be alone and have the feeling that you were alone in the world with no one to help you out. If you can remember how you felt, then go out there and reach out the hand of friendship to someone and turn their day around. If you have never felt feelings of lack, loneliness, or freindless, consider yourself lucky, and count your blessings. Do the right thing today and touch a life. Your actions do not have to be drastic, or dramatic, just heart felt and sincere.

The life you touch today, may be the same life that touches another tomorrow. Think about it.....

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