Monday, January 11, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

It's a Monday and I am so thankful that I get to do it all over again this week. If that phrase is not something you have heard lately, or if this is a phrase you have not used yourself, maybe it's time to reflect on a few things. Number one; if the first thing you think about on a Monday morning is that you wished it were Friday, maybe just maybe you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing. If you don't get up on a Monday morning thankful that you get to go to work again, and maybe just maybe you would still be working even if you weren't getting paid, chances are you are doing exactly what it is you are supposed to be doing.

I know so many people who are working for a paycheck and not for the love of what they are doing. Working a job that you love is more of a vocation than a job. Sure there are ups and downs in any job out there. But we need to know that there is more to a job than just putting in the 40 hours a week and collecting a paycheck on Friday. I've had so many people who have asked if they could work for me. I am starting a company and of course friends and acquaintances come out of the woodwork wanting a job. Many of them are set back a bit when I tell them "No" to working for me. If you are working for me you are working for a paycheck, I don't need that and I don't want that. On the other hand, if you say you want to work with me, well that is a horse of a different color. Working along side of me is taking up my vision for the company and that is what I want on my team. You are far more likely to enjoy the position and with that comes more productive time and of course for me that means a better more fine tuned operation, and that can only benefit the company in the long run. Working with me is a vocation and not just a job.

I see companies who have so taken advantage of their employees that it makes me want to vomit. If you can not provide a great atmosphere to work, great pay and benefits, well I will show you a company with massive turn over and lousy profits. Show me a company where workers are eager to be there, would not leave to see if the grass is greener somewhere else, and only have positive things to say, then I will show you a prosperous company. Gee are you beginning to see the picture I am painting. Why is it that certain companies prosper and others fail? The answer is pretty simple, and I for one want to be on the winning side of things. Not sure there are all kinds of reasons that companies fail, many reasons are outside of our control, economic conditions, trends, etc, etc, etc, but most of the time a company can not remain competitive and if you can't make money you can't keep the doors open.

I would love to be the owner of a company where I have satisfied employees, and a line a mile long of other people wanting to work with me and the other members of my team. Word of mouth is the greatest advertisement anyone could ever hope for. If I have people contacting my company to come to work because of all the good talk they have heard about it, well I must be doing something right. Truth be told my co-workers are doing the right thing and I am just along for the ride. I would be a fol to think that I am the reason for success. Without my fellow workers my company would be nothing and I would be just like everyone else looking for a better place to work. Ladies and Gentlemen this is not rocket science. I see companies all the time who have forgotten what made them successful. I pray to the Good Lord that if I ever forget who the true backbone of the company is, that I get hit beside the head with the largest two by four you have ever seen. You can not loose touch with what got you where you are. If you do your success may feel good for a time, but it will be short lived and I for one will not shed a tear for you.

It's time we do what is right, and what is right is creating an environment where people can flourish and prosper. One more note; if you work for a company you best have your replacement in mind. I have seen people so worried that they will be showed up by someone they would like to hire, that they do not hire them. That is stupid with a capital "S". I want people who are better than me working with me. It is a win win proposition. You have a lot to think about, and there are people out there with a lot to offer. Why not take them up on it. Think about it..........

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