Saturday, January 9, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

If I have learned one thing in life it is that there is only one constant in the universe, that being change. We've all heard this before and most of us cringe when ever the topic is put on the table. I am not immune to hating change, but at the same time, I have grown very accustomed to it in my life. To say that my life has taken a complete 180 degree turn over the last few years is the biggest understatement ever made. I will not bore you with all the details, but suffice it to say I am not where I was 3 years ago, and I'm sure I will be in a different place three years from now. Now let me say that change is not always bad, but then again it's not always good either.

I spent a career in the United States Air Force and grew very accustomed to change having moved numerous times during a 16 year period. Truth be told we used to call it "Wander Lust", looking forward to a move every three or four years. Problem is, when I finally retired from the Air Force I found myself looking to move every three or four years after that. I am happy to say that having spent the last 22 years in Maine I think I have finally out grown the Wander Lust, and am very happy to stay put. But change is change no matter how you look at it, and often change brings discomfort and uneasiness. Change is something that very rarely do we have any control over, as a matter of fact, most times we run from change and only bow to it when our current situation becomes so uncomfortable that we are forced to give in to it. Those are the times when we feel it the most, and quite frankly fear it the most. I would much rather institute change in my life on my own terms as opposed to someone else's. But once again change is generally on someone else's terms and not our own.

How we handle change in our life is what separates the men from the boys, and please excuse the gender classification. We all experience change without regard to gender. We can either embrace change or run from it. Running from it will only waste time and energy. Embracing it will take time and energy also but in the long run make life much simpler. When I made the transition from Military life to Civilian life it was a huge change, but it was a change that I embraced and was eager to make. I made the decision to retire and although there were a few bumps in the road along the way, it was a change that I was very glad to make. There have been other times in my life when change just happened. I was not prepared for it and it was far from welcome. But I had to choose to embrace the change or remain miserable and that would have lead to an early grave, and that my Friends was not an option. Choosing to accept change, whether big or small, is never easy, but often in the best interest of everyone.

You've heard me say before that I do not believe in coincidence. I believe that things happen for a purpose, and generally after the change has taken place and the dust settles we realize that it was for the better of all concerned.

I encourage all of you to embrace change and not run from it. Sure it may stink during the process, but after all is said and done you are in a far better place. Think about it........

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