Friday, January 8, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

Each day brings challenges, some big, some not so big, but challenges none-the-less. How we go about handling each challenge is totally up to us. I would like to think that most people will rise to the occasion when a challenge is in front of them. But the simple truth is, many people have been so beaten down y life they do not process the energy to cope with even the simplest of challenges. There have been times in my life when I wanted to quit and just throw in the towel. I can remember a time when I had lost my job with a very large company after nearly five years and went from making very good money to making none at all. I had taken my savings down to zero, had to use retirement funds and when that was gone had no idea what to do next. It would have been easy to just say "nuts" to this and give up. But those that know me know that is not really my nature. I had to do some real soul searching and determine what was important and what was not. I knew I had friends and loved ones who supported me, and that support was the only thing that got me through those difficult times.

When you are facing a challenge it is time to put your pride on the shelf and seek out assistance from those you trust and admire. I've said it before and I will say it again the only shame in asking for assistance is not asking for assistance. I have been so guilty of trying to do everything by myself, and more often than not falling on my face and wishing I had taken the opportunity to ask for help. In my book "True Destiny" I talk about the individual who is lost driving and refuses to ask for directions for fear of looking foolish or appearing to not be in the know. He or she can drive for hours instead of taking the 30 seconds to stop and ask directions. We have a tendency to waste more time trying to do it our self than just asking for help and getting things done. We have to realize that it just isn't in most of our natures to ask for help, and we need to get to the point where we stop this madness and do what is responsible. Trust me when I say I have been in this position more times than I would like to admit and for what ever reason I always seem to resort to the same old reaction of doing it all by myself. Ever hear the term "Physician heal thyself"? Well I have to admit my short comings, after all personal recognition is the first step in recovery.

So challenges will come and go, that is a certainty. What we choose to do from this point forward is a new challenge. I hope you will choose to reach out and seek assistance when needed, and when asked for offer assistance back. Even when I have been at the bottom of the bucket in terms of life, I still have the desire to help others in what ever way I can. To me offering help to others is therapeutic, and it often puts a smile on my face and let's face it smiling is contagious. Have a great weekend and let's look forward to all the opportunities that await us in the new week. It's a great time to be alive and a great time to overcome challenges. Remember this, we are all on a Journey to determine our destiny, do you really want to go it alone? I sure don't and neither should you. Think about that..........

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