Thursday, January 7, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

What can you say when life throws you lemons. The traditional response is make lemonade, and to a large degree I believe that, but when those lemons are so huge and you can't get your arms around them what do you do. When those lemons are so huge you can't get your mind around them, well that may be the time you want to quit, take your ball and go home. I have been through those times in my life and recently went through a very trying time. I had to make the choice to keep moving forward and try to make the best lemonade on the face of the earth. Was it easy? No, not in any shape, fashion, or form. Would I have liked for it not to happen? Well of course the answer to that would be yes. But it did happen, and I had to deal with it.

We all come in contact with these same issues on a daily basis. Sometimes the fix is easy and sometimes the fix seems impossible. But there is always a fix. It may not seem like it when you're up to your neck in stress and anxiety, but there is a fix. One thing I always want to point out is that you are never alone and there are people out there willing and able to help. Most of the time all you need to do is ask, and that is sometimes the most difficult thing for us to do. There is no shame in asking for help, the only shame is when pride gets in the way and we don't ask for the assistance. I say in my book that successful people realize that their success has been aided by others. You can not reach the top without the help of others. The Bill Gates and Warren Buffets of this world will all tell you that they had help along the way. Sure they did a lot themselves, but they never would have created their empires without the help of countless people. The same can be said about each of us, no matter where life takes you, you can't get their alone. And once again, like the title says, "If life is a journey, why go it alone?".

Take sometime today to look at your goals for 2010, write them out, and try to think of those around you who can assist you in getting to where you want to be. There are so many people out there who are steadfast in your corner and there to assist, motivate, and inspire. All you have to do is recognize that, and accept the offer. It is time to move forward and take the first step toward your True Destiny. Once you have made the decision to move forward the rest will come easier and easier. Have a great day and enjoy the incredible journey that awaits you.

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