Saturday, December 26, 2009

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

Having taken yesterday off to celebrate Christmas with friends and family it is now time to reflect on 2009 and look forward to 2010. Hard to beleive we are heading into the final days of 2009, and what a wild ride this year has been for many, myself included. If I had a clue as to what this past year had in store for me, I may have stayed in bed on January 1st. For many people 2009 has been a difficult year, not only from an economical standpoint but also from uncertainty of what the future has in store for them. As an eternal optimist I have to look at 2010 as a year of possibility and it is my hope that each of you have the same mind set.

I look toward the future, and what I see is excitement and new adventures that are sure to be fun filled and enlightening. I can't change a whole lot of what has happened in 2009, all I can do is move forward. As I often say in my book, I can't change what happened yesterday, and I have no clue what tomorrow has in store for me, so I simply live for today. And even today holds mysteries that I am not aware of. I will say that I have never started a New Year with so much anticipation of what is in store for me. I have wanted to write my book for 15 years and have been planning on holding seminars for that same period of time. And to know that this is what 2010 has in store for me, well let's just say that I am gitty as a young school boy.

It is my hope that throughout the next year that I will be able to excite each of you with what is in store for you in 2010. I want to help you achieve your dreams and no matter what your age, we all have dreams that we have yet to fulfill. If you are looking at 2010 without excitement then we have to talk. I know no one in this world that has accomplished all of their dreams, and my goal is to help you accomplish everyone of them. Not I am a realist and know that not every dream will come to fruition, but failing to work on them in foolishness gone to seed. You can be in the desert dying of thirst and if given a glass a water you can still die if you refuse to drink it. The same can be said of your goals and dreams, if you never attempt them they are empty and void.

Let's make a New Years resolution that you will look at your goals and put in the effort to work on them. Sometimes taking the first step is all you have to do and let nature take it's course. I see 2010 as a great year, for you and for myself. I look forward to seeing you at one of my seminars, it is time to get you excited about your future. I look forward to hearing about your successes and sharing the joy that comes with goal attainment. Remember, that if Life is a Journey, never go it alone. There are people out there who are there to help and desire helping you out, me included. Here's to saying goodbye to 2009 and hello to 2010.

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