Friday, December 18, 2009

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

I was talking with a good good friend today who was feeling the pressure that accompanies many people during the Christmas season. He was expecting a cash payment from someone, who for what ever reason failed to come through with his promise. This in turn caused him to not be able to fulfill a promise he made to someone else. I could see the stress in his face, and I could feel for him for I have been in this same position many times in the past. If he could find a bridge to drive off of today he might give it some serious thought. These feelings of desperation can be overpowering and it feels as though there is no place to turn for relief. I would rather have hot needles stuck under my finger nails verses going through this.

I look at my friend and wish I had the resources to rescue him and everyone who is going through similar situations. Compassion rules my life, and I will always try to show compassion to someone in need. Now don't confuse compassion with pity, they are as different as night and day. I often wonder what it is that makes me compassionate. Is it there because of the way my parents raised me, a product of my upbringing? Is it there because it is a natural human emotion? I don't have an answer to that question and in reality it really doesn't matter. I love the fact that I am compassionate. I love people, and to be honest don't love them because I want them to love me back. When I reach out to an individual it isn't because I am looking for anything in return. If I could help others and remain completely anonymous I would love that. I do because of who I am, not because of what I want.

Life is difficult at best, and if I can assist others in their life to make things a little more tolerable then what harm has been done? The answer is simple, no harm has been done. It is so easy to show compassion, but it is more often than not a learned trait. If someone in your life has shown you compassion, it is my hope that the day will come when you return the favor and show compassion to others in need.

We will all face trying times in our life, there is no escaping that. But having a friend or loved one available during those times is a blessing. There have been times in my life when I did not have a ton of extra money, and yet if I run into a friend in need, as God is my wittness, would give away my last dollar to help them out. I don't do it because I have, but rather because I want to. I am moved to reach out and help those in need. I would like to think that if ever I were in a position to need more than I had that someone would be there to assist me.

We all need people in our life who will stand with us and give assistance when needed. You can not go through life alone, and if one is to be successful, then being alone is not an option. I don't know anyone who has reached a level of success who will tell you they have done it on their own without the help of others. If you know someone like that please let me know and I will reach out to them right away. The Bill Gates and Warren Buffets of this world will all tell you that they have had help from various people along the way. There is no shame in getting help, the only shame is in being so prideful that you don't ask for the help.

Compassion is a beautiful thing both to the giver and recipient. Go out today and spread the wealth, it will do you go and it will bless others. Think about it.......

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