Saturday, December 19, 2009

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

I was ironing clothes this morning, trying to get ready for work and also for a Holiday Party tonight. I gave myself plenty of time to accomplish this task as I am one who hates to be rushed and being rushed only causes me undue stress. I was thinking about the holiday season and the stress I see on so many faces walking around the mall and other locations. I must admit that I am not immune to stress, but I also try to keep myself out of situations that create stress and discomfort. I will only do my Christmas shopping when I have no other plans in place. We've all tried to fit a quick buy into our schedule and inevitably you will get into the one check out line that is as slow as molasses in January. So not only do you stress because you know you are going to be late, but it somehow takes away some of the joy of what you are purchasing. I have learned to relax and enjoy the shopping experience. I will try to start up a conversation with anyone in the line with me. If I can get their mind off the wait, it just may put a smile on their face and alter what has probably been a less than perfect day.

Expectations have been the downfall for many, and especially during the Holiday Season. People have certain expectations that tend to frustrate, irratate, and otherwise bring them down. If the Holiday season is suppose to promote Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men, why do so many people hate it so. Might it be that we have so elevated this holiday season to Material Holiday, that there is no way to get away from it. Don't get me wrong, I love giving gifts to freinds and loved ones, but I also know that this season puts stress on others who do not have the means to lavish gifts on others.

Maybe just maybe, it's time to rethink what this season is all about and on an individual basis change how we operate. I have told people that it's not the size or price of the gift that counts, but the feelings and emotions behind the gift. We have all seen all the Christmas movies that have been playing non-stop for the last month. I love them and will watch as many as humanly possible during this season. But I watch them for the display of love, and I will admit that I am a cryer. I love a feel good movie and they always give me reason to think about my relationships and how I might make them better. I know that I am not the only one out there who feels this way. If I am the only one, then this world is headed in the wrong direction.

I encourage each of you to reflect on what this season means, and what you can do to make it special for someone else. There is so much more to the Holidays, now is the time to show others what the difference is, not only in you, but in them. Touch a life this year, bring a warmth to their heart and a smile on their face. Giving the gift of a smile or warm sincere laugh is the greatest gift there is next to love. They are free and there is a never ending supply of them. Try to make someone smile and see if it doesn't put a smile on your face, and warmth in your heart. Spread some holiday cheer and make the world a better place.

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