Thursday, December 17, 2009

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

There are far to many times in each of our lives when we are unsure of the direction or road that we should take. Our initial instinct is too take the path of least resistance, but that is how we have been conditioned to operate. Robert Frost, American Poet, says we should take the path least traveled. The question you need to answer for yourself is what path will I take today, and where will that path lead. I must say that the end of the path is not always the most important factor when deciding what to do. We all want to find that Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow, but have you ever given thought to the fact that the pot of gold may not be what is most important. What you learn on your journey to get to the pot of gold may be more valuable than anything else in your life.

Life experiences are truly priceless, and if we would just take time to reflect on what we have already learned and not try to reinvent the wheel each time our journey might be a whole lot more enjoyable. Life can be tough there's no doubt about it, but if accomplishing goals was easy, if achieving greatness was a piece of cake, and if reaching the mountain top was a far gone conclusion, why hasn't everyone gotten there. The ups and downs of life are experienced by everyone, and I do mean everyone. What we take from those experiences makes us stronger and quite frankly more valuable to others. They are fortunate that they can learn from our mistakes or failures.

As you continue on this journey called life, ask yourself this question. Do I really think I can do it all by myself? If you are truthful, and I hope that you will be, you will have to conclude that life is far to complicated and hard to face it all alone. Reach out for assistance when you need it, and offer assistance when asked. You may find out that life really isn't all that bad, and maybe just maybe, you might be setting yourself up for a very good day. Think about it........

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